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Script editor (script.bin)

Tools for editing script.bin file


With script.bin editing it's possible to add new cinematics into the game.
25-48-screenshot.jpg 3-32-screenshot.jpg _1-54 screenshot.png _8-54 screenshot.png

Compiler and Decompiler for script.bin file
version 1.0 by Dmitri

Decompiler: decompiles .bin file to .xml file
Compiler: compiles .xml file to .bin

Command-line options (all are optional):
-i <path>  - input file or folder. When not specified - current folder is used
-o <path>  - output file or folder. When not specified - current folder is used
-d         - write decompressed file (works only when input file is compressed)
-c         - compress compiled file
-oldFormat - this option is needed for old games, check the table below

Works with:
Game                           | Old format
FIFA Manager 09 - 14           |
FIFA 06 - 10                   |
EURO 2008                      |
Champions League 2006/2007     |
World Cup 2006                 |
FIFA Manager 07 - 08           | +
Total Club Manager 2004 - 2005 | +
FIFA 2004 - 2005               | +
EURO 2004                      | +
Champions League 2004/2005     | +

uint16 version (4)
uint16 numEntries (max = 256)
uint16 numStrings
uint16 padding (0)
#for numEntries
uint16 entryNameIndex
uint16 entryIndex
uint16 entryType
uint16 entryVariation
uint16 entryNumChildSections // only first level childs
uint16 allChildSectionsSize ( = totalNumChilds * 12) // including all childs (childs of childs also)
--entry child sections--
#for entryNumChildSections
uint32 sectionType (0,1,10 - info, 100,102,103,104,108,110,111,113,114 - section containers)
#if sectionType = 0 (used only once in "Manager1" script entry)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0)
uint16 sectionParam2 (0)
uint16 sectionParam3 (1)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#elseif sectionType = 1 (animation info)
uint16 sectionAnimNameIndex
uint16 sectionStartTime
uint16 sectionEndTime
uint16 sectionPriority
#elseif sectionType = 10 (camera info)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0,1)
uint16 sectionParam2 (6,20)
uint16 sectionParam3 (0,250)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#else (sections container)
uint32 sectionPriority
uint32 sectionNumChildSections
#for numStrings
string name (null-terminated)

0 - unknown, used only once in "Manager1" script entry
1 - animation info
10 - camera info
100 - simple sequence, type 0
101 - randomly shuffled sequence (not used), type 1
102 - collection with randomly selected animation (with priorities), type 2
103 - stadium (selects the block with id of current stadium), type 4
104 - goal celebration, type 5
105 - unknown, rain weather check (not used), type 6
106 - unknown, team side check (not used), type 7
107 - unknown (not used), type 8
108 - unknown, match intensity check, type 10
109 - unknown, match intensity check (not used), type 11
110 - unknown, match intensity check, type 12
111 - unknown, type 13
112 - unknown (not used), type 3
113 - unknown, player preferred foot check, type 9
114 - manager animation: only human team, only male manager, 50% probability, type 14

Decompiled file example
Last edited:


Senior Squad
at later fifas (FIFA 11 - 16 etc) u also have "data/nis/scripts.bin" :
but i think it is different if i checked at first sight...

there are no string names,
(but there is a "data/nis/nisnames.bin" file with names)
at later fifas (FIFA 11 - 16 etc) u also have "data/nis/scripts.bin" :
but i think it is different if i checked at first sight...

there are no string names,
(but there is a "data/nis/nisnames.bin" file with names)
Could be related. The "nis" word is also used in FIFA 07/08 in the context of scripts.
script.bin stores information about in-game cinematics. I'm working on a tool which will allow to edit this file easily.

With script.bin editing it's possible to add new cinematics into the game. My idea is to add cinematics from Champions League and Euro games, where such animations, as trophy holding, warming-up, and some other were present.
View attachment 80303 View attachment 80304 View attachment 80305 View attachment 80306

script.bin format
uint16 version (4)
uint16 numEntries (max = 256)
uint16 numStrings
uint16 padding (0)
#for numEntries
uint16 entryNameIndex
uint16 entryIndex
uint16 entryType
uint16 entryVariation
uint16 entryNumChildSections
uint16 childSectionsSize ( = entryNumChildSections * 12)
--entry child sections--
#for entryNumChildSections
uint32 sectionType (0,1,10 - info, 100,102,103,104,108,110,111,113,114 - section containers)
#if sectionType = 0 (used only once in "Manager1" script entry)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0)
uint16 sectionParam2 (0)
uint16 sectionParam3 (1)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#elseif sectionType = 1 (animation info)
uint16 sectionAnimNameIndex
uint16 sectionStartTime
uint16 sectionEndTime
uint16 sectionPriority
#elseif sectionType = 10 (camera info)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0,1)
uint16 sectionParam2 (6,20)
uint16 sectionParam3 (0,250)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#else (sections container)
uint32 sectionPriority
uint32 sectionNumChildSections
#for numStrings
string name (null-terminated)

Section types
0 - unknown, used only once in "Manager1" script entry
1 - animation info
10 - camera info
100 - simple sequence, type 0
101 - randomly shuffled sequence (not used), type 1
102 - collection with randomly selected animation (with priorities), type 2
103 - stadium (selects the block with id of current stadium), type 4
104 - goal celebration, type 5
105 - unknown, rain weather check (not used), type 6
106 - unknown, team side check (not used), type 7
107 - unknown (not used), type 8
108 - unknown, match intensity check, type 10
109 - unknown, match intensity check (not used), type 11
110 - unknown, match intensity check, type 12
111 - unknown, type 13
112 - unknown (not used), type 3
113 - unknown, player preferred foot check, type 9
114 - manager animation: only human team, only male manager, 50% probability, type 14

Decompiled file example
View attachment 80308

Tool progress:
Decompiling - 100%
Compiling - 5% (work in progress)
Will they work for FIFA Manager games?
Hope this one works with mobile version of FIFA.
I'm trying to edit animations in FIFA 14 android version(via AM 10)
but not successful yet.

Amazing work bro!! I'm really into it
@Dmitri fantastic! , I'm eager to try this script editor. Once again thank you for your effort. Hope recompiling works soon .

Please update us when the editor is fully functional, as I'm about to dig into this tool , haha..just a tad excited , anyways super cool work!!
at later fifas (FIFA 11 - 16 etc) u also have "data/nis/scripts.bin" :
but i think it is different if i checked at first sight...

there are no string names,
(but there is a "data/nis/nisnames.bin" file with names)
Yes, I noticed too.. when I tried, the decompiler didn't work properly for such script.bin files, coming under nis.Just a string name alone was coming in the decompiled xml


Club Supporter
Tools for editing script.bin file


With script.bin editing it's possible to add new cinematics into the game.
View attachment 80303 View attachment 80304 View attachment 80305 View attachment 80306

Compiler and Decompiler for script.bin file
version 1.0 by Dmitri

Decompiler: decompiles .bin file to .xml file
Compiler: compiles .xml file to .bin

Command-line options (all are optional):
-i <path>  - input file or folder. When not specified - current folder is used
-o <path>  - output file or folder. When not specified - current folder is used
-d         - write decompressed file (works only when input file is compressed)
-c         - compress compiled file
-oldFormat - this option is needed for old games, check the table below

Works with:
Game                           | Old format
FIFA Manager 09 - 14           |
FIFA 06 - 10                   |
EURO 2008                      |
Champions League 2006/2007     |
World Cup 2006                 |
FIFA Manager 07 - 08           | +
Total Club Manager 2004 - 2005 | +
FIFA 2004 - 2005               | +
EURO 2004                      | +
Champions League 2004/2005     | +

uint16 version (4)
uint16 numEntries (max = 256)
uint16 numStrings
uint16 padding (0)
#for numEntries
uint16 entryNameIndex
uint16 entryIndex
uint16 entryType
uint16 entryVariation
uint16 entryNumChildSections // only first level childs
uint16 allChildSectionsSize ( = totalNumChilds * 12) // including all childs (childs of childs also)
--entry child sections--
#for entryNumChildSections
uint32 sectionType (0,1,10 - info, 100,102,103,104,108,110,111,113,114 - section containers)
#if sectionType = 0 (used only once in "Manager1" script entry)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0)
uint16 sectionParam2 (0)
uint16 sectionParam3 (1)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#elseif sectionType = 1 (animation info)
uint16 sectionAnimNameIndex
uint16 sectionStartTime
uint16 sectionEndTime
uint16 sectionPriority
#elseif sectionType = 10 (camera info)
uint16 sectionParam1 (0,1)
uint16 sectionParam2 (6,20)
uint16 sectionParam3 (0,250)
uint16 sectionParam4 (0)
#else (sections container)
uint32 sectionPriority
uint32 sectionNumChildSections
#for numStrings
string name (null-terminated)

0 - unknown, used only once in "Manager1" script entry
1 - animation info
10 - camera info
100 - simple sequence, type 0
101 - randomly shuffled sequence (not used), type 1
102 - collection with randomly selected animation (with priorities), type 2
103 - stadium (selects the block with id of current stadium), type 4
104 - goal celebration, type 5
105 - unknown, rain weather check (not used), type 6
106 - unknown, team side check (not used), type 7
107 - unknown (not used), type 8
108 - unknown, match intensity check, type 10
109 - unknown, match intensity check (not used), type 11
110 - unknown, match intensity check, type 12
111 - unknown, type 13
112 - unknown (not used), type 3
113 - unknown, player preferred foot check, type 9
114 - manager animation: only human team, only male manager, 50% probability, type 14

Decompiled file example
View attachment 80308
Thank you! It would be great to decrypt the "attribdb.bin" and "attribdb.vlt" files (I saw them in PC games from FIFA 11 to FIFA 16 and in PS3/X360 games also). I think it contains values related to the gameplay. This will be a revolution


  • FIFA 11 PC attribdb.zip
    365.4 KB · Views: 200
  • UEFA 06-07 XBOX360 attribdb.zip
    821.8 KB · Views: 211