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Gameplay mod

in this new and second gameplay mod of fc24
i maked career mode changes on the pitch
I worked on
  1. passing
  2. crossing
  3. defense
  4. speed
  5. and shooting
it is a fast worked mod so i will keep making changes to it

mod is under the sliders

i did some creative reseach and made a realistic slider setup

10 minutes
smart play actions mode on (means that cpu ai will use smart dribble actions)
competitive mode on
slow time on
Play with your keeper only against ai to see what this mod does button L1 to play automaticly with keeper

●sprint speed 0
●acceleration 75
●error shots 88
●bad pass 66
●shot speed 45
●pass speed 35
●injury 45
●bad injury 42
●keeper skills 43
●marking 0 or 1
●sprint frequenty 0
●line height 35
●line length 14
●line width between 35 and 62
●position LB\RB 90
●balltouch error 65

CPU team
●sprint speed0
●error shots 88
●bad pass 68
●shot speed 45
●pass speed 35
●injury 45
●bad injury 42
●keeper skills 43
●marking 0 or 1
●sprint frequenty 0
●line height 35
●line length 14
●line width between 35 and 62
●position LB\RB 90
●balltouch error 95


  • gameplaymod V 0.01.zip
    31.6 KB · Views: 492
Last edited:
in this new and second gameplay mod of fc24
i maked career mode changes on the pitch
I worked on
  1. passing
  2. crossing
  3. defense
  4. speed
  5. and shooting
it is a fast worked mod so i will keep making changes to it

mod is under the sliders

i did some creative reseach and made a realistic slider setup

10 minutes
smart play actions mode on (means that cpu ai will use smart dribble actions)
competitive mode on
slow time on
let both teams play cpu ai to see full result

●sprint speed 0
●acceleration 75
●error shots 88
●bad pass 66
●shot speed 45
●pass speed 35
●injury 45
●bad injury 42
●keeper skills 43
●marking 0 or 1
●sprint frequenty 0
●line height 35
●line length 14
●line width between 35 and 62
●position LB\RB 90
●balltouch error 65

CPU team
●sprint speed0
●error shots 88
●bad pass 68
●shot speed 45
●pass speed 35
●injury 45
●bad injury 42
●keeper skills 43
●marking 0 or 1
●sprint frequenty 0
●line height 35
●line length 14
●line width between 35 and 62
●position LB\RB 90
●balltouch error 95
Can you make it specifically for world class level?