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Is the gameplay good or nah

  • Total voters
This gameplay is for the fifa 14 players who want the Ea fc 25 experience that their high-end pc and ps5 buddies get to play all day.
The mod contains:

Ea fc 25 camera angle

Ea fc 25 gameplay

Fifa 14 lag fix reg file

For those who want the PlayStation buttons(white) you can check this one out here

Note: if your looking for a slow pace and realistic gameplay then this is not it, this matches the fast face gameplay that’s Ea fc 25 has. If the game speed is to fast you can set it to normal or slow. And don’t forget to delete the db.bak file




@Blds11 for the original gameplay db

@paulv2k4 for the original cl.ini

@carldps for the PlayStation buttons

remember to back up your files and read the !!!readme.txt!!

Edit: I just made a config file that makes you have the L1 dribble from FC 25 in fifa 14

This file contains

Ea Fc 25 L1 dribble mod

Note: it only works with the following controllers

Xbox controller

And Generic Usb Controller
If you controller doesn’t have the name generic usb controller you can download this registry file to rename your controller HERE

Ea Fc 25 L1 dribble mod

Updated link and controls fix
Last edited:
This gameplay is for the fifa 14 players who want the Ea fc 25 experience that their high-end pc and ps5 buddies get to play all day.
The mod contains:

Ea fc 25 camera angle

Ea fc 25 gameplay

Fifa 14 lag fix reg file

For those who want the PlayStation buttons(white) you can check this one out here

Note: if your looking for a slow pace and realistic gameplay then this is not it, this matches the fast face gameplay that’s Ea fc 25 has. If the game speed is to fast you can set it to normal or slow. And don’t forget to delete the db.bak file




@Blds11 for the original gameplay db

@paulv2k4 for the original cl.ini

@carldps for the PlayStation buttons

remember to back up your files and read the !!!readme.txt!!!
My friends just tested it out , one match had 12 goals with the score being 7-5 , damn!
What should I improve?

I also want to tell you the gameplay mod has been updated so you can try it out.

did you play it with the slidder option I added?

did some players seem to not respond to commands?

let me know :-)
Hey guyz, the new fc 25 gameplay patch has been incorporated in this gameplay mod and now gives you updated gameplay that is similar to the recent fc 25 patch. I have updated the gameplay so you can;

- Play recent fc 25 gameplay mod
- Updated fc 25 camera angle(telebroadcast)
- Fc 25 L1 dribbling finally in fifa 14( and if you time it, you can do the speed boost by holding the L1 and release the L1 and sprint you can get the speed boost effect)

just go to the top post and download what y’all need ;-)
Last edited:
Hey guyz, the new fc 25 gameplay patch has been incorporated in this gameplay mod and now gives you updated gameplay that is similar to the recent fc 25 patch. I have updated the gameplay so you can;

- Play recent fc 25 gameplay mod
- Updated fc 25 camera angle(telebroadcast)
- Fc 25 L1 dribbling finally in fifa 14( and if you time it, you can do the speed boost by holding the L1 and release the L1 and sprint you can get the speed boost effect)

just go to the top post and download what y’all need ;-)
How to update in fifa 16 pc cl.ini? can you show it?
This gameplay is for the fifa 14 players who want the Ea fc 25 experience that their high-end pc and ps5 buddies get to play all day.
The mod contains:

Ea fc 25 camera angle

Ea fc 25 gameplay

Fifa 14 lag fix reg file

For those who want the PlayStation buttons(white) you can check this one out here

Note: if your looking for a slow pace and realistic gameplay then this is not it, this matches the fast face gameplay that’s Ea fc 25 has. If the game speed is to fast you can set it to normal or slow. And don’t forget to delete the db.bak file




@Blds11 for the original gameplay db

@paulv2k4 for the original cl.ini

@carldps for the PlayStation buttons

remember to back up your files and read the !!!readme.txt!!

Edit: I just made a config file that makes you have the L1 dribble from FC 25 in fifa 14

This file contains

Ea Fc 25 L1 dribble mod

Note: it only works with the following controllers

Xbox controller

And Generic Usb Controller
If you controller doesn’t have the name generic usb controller you can download this registry file to rename your controller HERE

Ea Fc 25 L1 dribble mod

Updated link and controls fix

You planning on releasing tougher version? This one seems too easy i tried to edit some values it turned to unplayable cuz values were too high/low.