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  • Friend, can you tell me what this error is?FIFACrashDump_CL1468411_2025.01.17_05.19.03 Sometimes when I'm playing the game it closes out of nowhere!
    Hello idk where to download and how to install the Fifa world cup 2014 conversion and i even added you in discord i think so can you help
    hello bro do you know how to convert the name string in player.txt, to editplayername.txt or is there a tool for that?
    Hi good day. Can you please help me with changing the colours of the tiles on the menu. People say you change it in the xml files but i have compared many xml files and they are all the same and the text color is in classloader.big. im trying to create my own theme but not having alot of luck.
    You can change tile colors in the xml file. Look for the data type by the name "RECTANGLE". Inside it's parameter, you will find hex color. Put your desired color code there.
    btw, where is classloader.big located?
    LFC 2024
    LFC 2024
    Thanx for your help. Btw im South African and im a big fan of Shakib Al Hasan.
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