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Hello, I've been using the mod in Career Mode with Milan, and some matches the camera remains glitchy. For example, in a game against Chelsea in the Champions League, the camera was fine, but in some Serie A matches, the camera was bad. I'm using TU13 (even though I don't know what that means).
Hey there!

I'm happy to let you/everyone know that I'll be releasing an update for my mod in just a few days, which should (hopefully) address the issues you've been facing.

However, it's possible that my mod might not work in certain stadiums, and unfortunately, that's something beyond my control.

Regarding the "TU13" version, it simply means that the mod you downloaded is compatible with a specific FIFA Update version that shares the same number. Throughout the year, EA releases TITLE UPDATES for FIFA, each designated with a unique number. The higher the number, the more recent the update.

Currently, FIFA 23 is on Title Update 14, and my mod's TU13 version is no longer compatible. This incompatibility may result in the mod not functioning properly or having more bugs.

That's why I will be updating my mod to ensure compatibility with the latest FIFA 23 Title Update.

I hope this explanation helps clarify things for you.

Thanks for your support!
With the recent release of the EA FC 24 Career Deep Dive.

I have made a post on AnswerHQ mentioning the GK Camera Glitch and Asking for official confirmation about whether it has been fixed.

I would appreciate, not for myself but for all our sakes if as many of you as possible could go to the site, make an account if you don't have one already and give my comment XP and/or reply to it saying you agree.

AnswerHQ Camera Glitch Post

There is no guarantee that I will have the ability or time to develop a fix for EA FC 24.
Its in our best interest to make noise now, and get some answers because having to suffer it 3 installments in a row would be ridiculous.
Ascendian: With the recent release of the EA FC 24 Career Deep Dive.

I have made a post on AnswerHQ mentioning the GK Camera Glitch and Asking for official confirmation about whether it has been fixed.

I would appreciate it, not for myself but for all our sakes if as many of you as possible could go to the site, make an account if you don't have one already, and give my comment XP and/or reply to it saying you agree.

AnswerHQ Camera Glitch Post

There is no guarantee that I will have the ability or time to develop a fix for EA FC 24.
It's in our best interest to make noise now and get some answers because having to suffer it 3 installments in a row would be ridiculous.
I did, let's hope that they will pay attention to what we want instead of doing everything on their own and assuming that it's "good" which is not.
The new version still does not work in many stadiums,such as the San Siro.Could you fix this problem?
Sadly, I cannot.

Its a small miracle I was even able to develop this mod. The state its in right now is the absolute best I can do. :)

If you, or anyone else for that matter can find an experienced Modder to try and make a better mod -- that would be great!

I have tried asking for help and seeing if big modders like FIFER could do anything.

I was either ignored or told they weren't interested, so I genuinely have tried but simply put:
the experienced modders that are making money from paid mods have other priorities ;)
Last edited:
Sadly, I cannot.

Its a small miracle I was even able to develop this mod. The state its in right now is the absolute best I can do. :)

If you, or anyone else for that matter can find an experienced Modder to try and make a better mod -- that would be great!

I have tried asking for help and seeing if big modders like FIFER could do anything.

I was either ignored or told they weren't interested, so I genuinely have tried but simply put:
the experienced modders that are making money from paid mods have other priorities ;)
It doesn't matter at all, we are satisfied with your work, just keep going

Finally, apologies for not being accurate with my estimations of when this would be done.


  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V1.zip
    20.8 KB · Views: 2,837
  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V2.zip
    19.8 KB · Views: 2,022
Its Over

Hey guys, wanting to officially announce that I will no longer be making a camera mod for goalkeepers as it has been fixed in EA FC 24.

Thanks a lot for using my mod and your encouragement all this time. I hope you were able to have lots of fun!

I will be continuing to making FIFA Goalkeeping Content on YouTube and soon Twitch. So if your interested in viewing quality GK focused Clubs and Player Career mode gameplay, from a skilled competitive keeper, use the link below to check out my YT channel (@VirtualNetminder).

YouTube Channel

All the best, and Stay Awesome! :)
Its Over

Hey guys, wanting to officially announce that I will no longer be making a camera mod for goalkeepers as it has been fixed in EA FC 24.

Thanks a lot for using my mod and your encouragement all this time. I hope you were able to have lots of fun!

I will be continuing to making FIFA Goalkeeping Content on YouTube and soon Twitch. So if your interested in viewing quality GK focused Clubs and Player Career mode gameplay, from a skilled competitive keeper, use the link below to check out my YT channel (@VirtualNetminder).

YouTube Channel

All the best, and Stay Awesome! :)
Thank you so much for your effort in making life easier for us goalkeeper lovers. I wish you the best on your journey and thanks for everything.