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Hi bro i found a good solution for this issue you can check it through this youtube link
Hi m8 I tried out your method,

Firstly, great job figuring out a way that's *almost* perfect! Must not have been easy.

However sadly I will not be using this method because movement inputs with the left stick are hindered/delayed. If I used this It would make me worse at GK when playing online because it makes positioning yourself a very odd experience. Sometimes my keeper moved too much other times too little - its just not right. So if my brain gets used to it, then online GK movement will feel weird and I don't want that to happen.

But it does indeed fix the camera completely.

So for people who mainly use l1/LB for movement (auto position) this will be the best fix for them, assuming they are willing to spend the time to configure it.

P.S. M8 I advise you go into more detail in your video for other people as there were a few important steps you didn't mention, and this method didn't work at all until I figured them out. I mention them below.

A) I had to go to 'controller settings' in game and went on Control Device, then selected 'KEYBOARD ONLY'
B ) I had to go to 'Select Sides' then put controllers in the middle and the keyboard on my teams side.
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Hello, sorry to bother you, I just want to thank you for your GK camera mod, it's really great and thanks to it I can finally play a real career for GK, I hope you will keep updating
hello, I wanted to ask, today I received an update on fifa and since I shoot a series for the goalkeeper on YouTube every Sunday, I wanted to ask when the mod will be updated, thank you for the answer

- Both versions now compatible with #TU10


  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V1.zip
    20.5 KB · Views: 176
  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V2.zip
    19.5 KB · Views: 204
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Oh, isn't that ironic? You spend all your time and effort updating your mod, only for another update to come out the same day you release said update, undoing all your effort...

- Both versions now compatible with #TU11


  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V1.zip
    20.5 KB · Views: 198
  • F23 GK CAMERA FIX V2.zip
    19.5 KB · Views: 235
Oh, isn't that ironic? You spend all your time and effort updating your mod, only for another update to come out the same day you release said update, undoing all your effort...
Last update took a while cus I was really busy past 2 weeks, didn't spend any time updating. But this time I was ready and able! :)