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career mode

  1. Rover49

    MODS FC25 Better Assistant Coaches Mod

    FC25 Better Assistant Coaches Mod for Manager Career - Most coaches are now 5 stars in each category (Att, Mid, Def, Gk) - More expert coaches - Less weekly wages - More slots available (for new career) Works with TU6.1 Download Here
  2. Rover49

    MODS FC25 Better Scouts Mod

    FC25 Better Scouts and Scouting Mod This mod allows you to hire best scouts available. - Career now has 5 default scouts each one with 5 stars - Hiring and Firing Price for any scout is now decreased - Instant Scout Recalls - Faster and Better Scouting - Base Youth Scout is Tier 5 (5 Stars) -...
  3. Rover49

    MODS FC25 No Substitution Mod - GK Player Career

    No Substitution Mod for FC25 GK & Player Career Mode This mod prevents you from getting substituted with GK or any other position in player career. While playing a GK player career, you can get substituted without getting a touch or making saves. This mod prevents that and you play complete...
  4. qh7modder

    MODS QH7 FC25 Mods | Manager Career | Player Career | Menu | Anthems | Graphics | Soundtrack

    FC25 Minipack Mods #TU2: DOWNLOAD: https://buymeacoffee.com/qh7modder/e/306933 Mod Features: Camera: increases the zoom and height beyond EA limits for: Tactical Camera Tele / Tele Broadcast Broadcast Legacy Set pieces TV LOGO: DAZN beIN SPORTS SKY SPORTS SUPERSPORT Start Screen: All...
  5. H

    Desperately looking for Exocyst's career mode .ini files

    Hello there, I've taken Fifa 12 from the crates and am really enjoying playing it, I want to do a long manager career but I'm looking to improve the game and especially the weird AI transfers. I saw in the forum the edits of Exocyst that seems to fix this issue but the links are dead. I'm...
  6. LukasMoriarty

    LIGA MX Mod - EAFC24

    Currently working in a Liga MX Career mode mod for EAFC24 I imported some .dds files (just league art), added the league, teams, and some tables from FIFA 22, and used fake players temporarily to fill the teams and troubleshoot with them. Tables from FIFA 22 require some editing to import...
  7. M

    Career mode scripted?

    I don't know whether this problem is a common for someone or not, but I have seen a very interesting issue throughout some years that I have played the FIFA 22 version. I'm used to replaying career mode matches a lot, as I usually play as underdog teams on legendary difficulty and could easily...
  8. TheAwesomeGem

    MODS Improved Career Mode [Full Free]

    Improved Career Mode mod by TheAwesomeGem This mod is for anyone that wants this: - Very hard challenging career mode where finance is a real thing. - Very realistic saves where if you choose a bottom team, you will struggle financially if you don't sell players. It's hard to keep top players...
  9. P


    I have a MarianTim Patch 2020. I want to play career mode from 2019 year. IDK how to do it. CM10 can't change tournament date. Max year value is 2010. How to fix it? Please help. Some players are 7-8 years old. It's illogical and they don't develop until age 17.
  10. ECETeams

    Better Experience Career v1.0.9 [TU 17.1]

    The goal of this mod is to improve various aspects ofthe career mode, such as training, recruiters, player withdrawals, affiliation, etc. We are looking to give players more choice and freedomwhen playing career mode in FIFA 23. Do you want to build a team of young talents? Would you like to...
  11. zanellog

    Face mods not working after tu11, how to solve?

    Hi there! After tu11 face mods are not working anymore in career mode. I tried everything: using -dataPath FIFAModData, using last Mod Manager, correct Faces ID, and more. I've used Mudryk face mod by wichanwoo for a while and Enzo Fernandez by Alief too. Don't know what to do next to solve it...
  12. G

    Custom Commentary names?

    I've been reading forums recently and found out about "hidden" commentary IDs. Is it possible for me to edit the database, as well as the sound files, in order to create a commentary name for my career player? Thanks in advance... :)
  13. Ascendian


    My mod improves the GK Pro Camera in Career Mode, like the one I made for FIFA 22. EA unsurprisingly still has not fixed the GK camera glitch, so I took it upon myself (again) to fiddle around with editing tools and make this mod. I am not an experienced Modder at all, this camera, although...
  14. M

    FIFA 14 career mode crash reason

    I have 2 questions: 1. there is a way to know why FIFA 14 crash in career mode? e.g. why crash after a FIFA 14 editing (league change, team change, etc) 2. there is a limit on leagues creation? I usually add more leagues, teams, national teams, etc and at some point start crashing career mode...
  15. BogdanCDC

    FIFA 16 Career Mode - Post Your Career Mode, and show us your Story :)

    Hello guys, me, @JochemLFC2 , @Papinho81 decided to create a thread in which we will post our career mode saves, no matter if it's FIFA 10 or FIFA 22 :)) , feel free to comment on the progress or even post your career mode story, on reaching to the top :D My Career Mode Save is in Romania...
  16. Ascendian

    FIFA 22 Goalkeeper Career Mode Pro Camera Fix (TU17)

    Hello, I made a camera mod which addresses the glitched Pro Camera that happens in goalkeeper career mode. Now the camera is at a more acceptable angle allowing you to see more of what's going on in front of you. Hope you enjoy! Mod Showcase Video
  17. Aranaktu

    FIFA 22 Cheat Table

    Don't use it in online game modes! Cheat Engine 7.3 or newer is required! Changelog Release schedule Features available in the latest version of FIFA 22 Cheat Table: On Wiki Download: - GitHub
  18. Dominn98

    National Teams Patch 1.0

    National Teams Patch 1.0 - Patch for FIFA 21 Add 51 new National Teams for Career mode by Dominn98. I am currently working on compdata files (career tournament structure). Then there will be graphic files, uniforms, coats of arms, and finally the database - teams in DB and players. I will use...
  19. Dominn98

    Help with creating tournaments in career mode

    Hello, I've been trying to build up the 24 European team championship in career mode. I edited all files, but it takes a lot of time because the European Championship ID is 980 and it is in the file (compobj) at the beginning, where there are 1700 lines of code. When it comes to creating, each...
  20. R

    (TransfersLeagueBuckets.CSV) How disable transfers in career mode?

    Guys, who knows, please tell me what values need to be changed in the TransfersLeagueBuckets file to permanently disable transfers in career mode?