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Desperately looking for Exocyst's career mode .ini files

Hello there,

I've taken Fifa 12 from the crates and am really enjoying playing it, I want to do a long manager career but I'm looking to improve the game and especially the weird AI transfers. I saw in the forum the edits of Exocyst that seems to fix this issue but the links are dead.

I'm sending out an SOS, anybody still got those files ? You'll save me !
Hello there,

I've taken Fifa 12 from the crates and am really enjoying playing it, I want to do a long manager career but I'm looking to improve the game and especially the weird AI transfers. I saw in the forum the edits of Exocyst that seems to fix this issue but the links are dead.

I'm sending out an SOS, anybody still got those files ? You'll save me !
Why don't you use Paulv2k4's GP mod ? In the dlc file of his mod there's some .ini files that claim to fix that issue , plus you can even completely disable first transfer window.