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fifa 23

  1. L

    Fifa23 squad file update 27-09-2024

  2. M

    For full details, check the error log which is located in the "Logs" folder of your Mod Manager folder.

    Hi i just updated fifa 23 from 15 TU to 17.1 TU then i applied mod EEP 2.0 to the game but when i launch the game from fifa mod manager this error appears what is the solution
  3. qh7modder

    QH7 FIFA 23 Mods | Manager Career | Player Career | Menu | Club Anthems | Press Sponsors | Press News

    For FC24 Mods: DOWNLOAD HERE and ON MY PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------- FIFA 23 Press Sponsors This mod adds sponsors to the backdrops of the press cutscenes in FIFA 23 Career Mode. DOWNLOAD Press Sponsors (FREE) TU18.2...
  4. Igor_Kiriakov_10


    Hello beautiful FIFA community!! For several years I have wanted to find someone who can help me with this. I would like to be able to unlock the "Lock to Player" or "Fixed Player" mode in Player Selection so that I can select SINGLE PERMANENT PLAYER from your team in Friendly, Tournament or...
  5. E

    Help with some faces? Pavlovic

    Can someone help me with A.Pavlovic face?.. and Ouedraogo, and Adam Aznou
  6. M

    Career mode scripted?

    I don't know whether this problem is a common for someone or not, but I have seen a very interesting issue throughout some years that I have played the FIFA 22 version. I'm used to replaying career mode matches a lot, as I usually play as underdog teams on legendary difficulty and could easily...
  7. mzt9998

    Creating a Futsal(volta football) Tournament in FIFA 23

    Hi. How can I create a futsal tournament(volta football) in FIFA 23? I'm referring to a futsal league(volta football League). Please let me know if you have any information on this. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  8. M

    FIFA 23 Retro Patch - Faces

    Hello everyone, after years of absence (since PES2008) I found my way back to modding digital football. My private project is to replace the Romanian league with 16 retro teams. The team names and kits are already integrated into the game and now I'm creating the required players. I would like...
  9. Mahmoud Nader

    EEP 23/24 squad Update 09-04-2024 For FIFA 23 (23/24 Transfers, EA FC 24 Ratings & stats all teams)

    New 23/24 transfers New EA FC 24 Ratings and stats for all players Updated Promoted and Relagted Teams Official 23/24 Uefa Group Stages Eep 23/24 New squad update converted stats and ratings from EA FC 24 update 09-04-2024 , All new updates for all players ex : Rodri 90 , Haaland 91 , Viktor...
  10. N

    How to change your national team in Women's World Cup mode

    Hello, does anyone know how to change the national team in the Women's World Cup mode? I have a mod created by @Skoczek for the Polish women's national team. It works very well in Quick Match mode, but I don't know how I can add or replace it instead of another one in World Cup mode? Can this be...
  11. M

    Trouble Importing custom faces into fifa 23

    Just imported a custom face that I have made in Blender which I then created a mod for in fifa live editor but when I applied the mod and loaded it to fifa to see the face, the face was in the ground with some of the textures being transparent and meshes becoming extremely stretched whenever the...
  12. W

    Convert faces FIFA 22

    Can anyone convert faces from older FIFAs and newer FIFAs for FIFA 22? or if anyone knows how I can do it, or if someone can do it and I can pay. I am looking for: Cuauhtemoc Blanco (135708) - Last FIFA 16 Pavel Pardo (138986) - Last FIFA 13 Oswaldo Sanchez (139006) - Last FIFA 15 Arjen Robben...
  13. B

    Extracting kits from fifa 23 mods

    Is there any way to extract the kits from fifa 23 or EAFC 24 mods that come for them to be installed with the mod manager?
  14. MMRox

    Hello, does somebody have or make this face

    It is a young Chelsea player by the name of Deivid Washington. I was considering if anybody has a face of him in FIFA 23 or does make one.
  15. S

    FIFA 13-14 Kits for year 22 or 23

    Hi am new there and im see that many of you make the new kits for old games thats very good am using FIFA 13 from 12 years and make kit and transfer from creation but i need national teams kits and some of the great clubs so where I can find a kits for 22 or 23 or 21 for fifa FIfa13 FIFA 14 ...
  16. L

    Mod fifa song Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/f5vkg7xgqbbcmsh/mod_song.rar/file I don't really understand how this forum works and so on, but here I leave you a song that was in FIFA 22, it's my first mod and what I did was put the Feet Don't Fail Me Now song for FIFA 23, a song well remembered by many, I...
  17. ramac537

    Argentinian Leagues MOD

    We are developing a mod that includes at least 4 Argentine football leagues, there is still time for the first beta, both on discord and on networks (twitter & tiktok) we are updating the process, I'll make some updates here too. The mod will include kits, updated squads, minifaces, banners...
  18. M

    New Champions League Groups 23/24

    Champions League all Updated Groups Images: DOWNLOAD
  19. kaboom

    Help me create a scoreboard

    Can someone create this scoreboard for me? If it's necessary I'll compensate your work, thank you very much.
  20. P

    Israeli premier league

    Hello to everyone who sees this I wanted to ask for help to create the Israeli premier league in FIFA 23 I'm looking for people that can help me with this and that's something I'd love to see happen If there are people who understand FIFA programming and know how to create mods, then I would be...