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CM03/04 SG United link and results (SCREENIES!!)


Youth Team
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
Yeah I played you a few times in the early rounds of the FA and League Cup
you did fairly well I guess but not enough to secure a place in the side unfortunately

:( oh well thats life.

By the way this is my first team squad:

Gk: Tim (me)
DL: Hochestenbach
DR: 1 Stunna
DC: Doe
DC: Asmodeus
ML: Raul
MR: Elbers
MC: Robbins (SG's + leagues TOP scorer)
MC: Mixafendis (Captin)
FC: Fred (Top striker scorer)
FC: Kader (Used to be Van Kasteren but he got injured and Kader had a game andscored 6 goals)

The ratings are:

Gk: Tim (me) 6/10 I havent been getting much shots.
DL: Hochestenbach 7/10 Solid and good crosser
DR: 1 Stunna 6/10 Gd and solid, but doesnt get much of the ball
DC: Doe 8/10 Gd headerer of the ball, and very solid
DC: Asmodeus 7/10 Solid
ML: Raul 6/10 He is alright...but he does have bad games
MR: Elbers 9/10 Great crosser and also gets a lot of shots
MC: Robbins 10/10 A great all-round player and is my second captian(vice)
MC: Mixafendis (Captin) 8/10 A gd captain but he does hog the ball too much
FC: Fred 8/10 Is a gd player but no-one passes to him. Still gets a few goals
FC: Kader 9/10 Scores goals but havent seen much of him yet.

Thats my team rating. Sorry if it was a bit long



Team Captain
why doesn't anyone play me?! if I can take Iraq to the World Cup, I sure as hell deserve a chance in SG :(

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by rony31
why doesn't anyone play me?! if I can take Iraq to the World Cup, I sure as hell deserve a chance in SG :(
Rony you were in my first eleven for the first 2 seasons in the DMC position... but then suddenly you started trying those long kicks I hate so much so I had to drop you... nothing personal...


Reserve Team
Originally posted by Kibe Kru

Bench (for most matches)
SB1 - Tim
SB2 - Foust
SB3 - Neo
SB4 - van Zartinobulw (sp?)
SB5 - Raul

That's cool! I'm glad to be a fringe player somewhere! Now it's starting to seem more like real life :crazyboy:


Fan Favourite
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
Rony you were in my first eleven for the first 2 seasons in the DMC position... but then suddenly you started trying those long kicks I hate so much so I had to drop you... nothing personal...

lol. This reply is... CLASS :p U should become a politician

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by mixafendis
lol. This reply is... CLASS :p U should become a politician
well... I didn't mean to sound like a politician there... just told him what happened because he used to be a starter...
none of the other DMC's take long shots that end up sailing over the bar... only Rony.......:rolleyes:


Fan Favourite
There is a certain mr. Alex Mixafendis who does that for me too. But he scores once in two matches with those long shots, and has excellent set pieces, so I'll condone it.


Youth Team
Robbins,Mixafendis,Elbers,Raul,Van Kasteriern did, but i dropped him, Toma when Elbers gets injured(3 times), PaPaGoeo played when Raul was injured but he kept doing long shots and never played since.

By the way this is my subs:

Sub1. Liam Best
Sub2. Aidan Best or Horitu(changes)
Sub3. Van Kasteran
Sub4. Guil
Sub5. Legund