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CM03/04 SG United link and results (SCREENIES!!)

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
While playing in the UEFA Cup I was absolutely delighted when I was handed a tie vs. Real Madrid in the quarter finals... it was the chance to play against a top club in europe... I guess I didn't do that bad...
after that I went on to beat West Brom (!!!!) in the semis (7-0 agg) and Parma in the final match (4-0)

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
France won the World Cup... and USA were runners up!
Italy 3rd, Brazil 4th(bastards! they didn't call me up!!! now I'm England manager and I'll get Guil to be an England international)

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by lmfoust
Yeah boy, Foust at a World Cup (for the first time in someone ELSE's game!! :D

Got some stats for my season and/or World Cup?
Uh... actually Foust is a sub for most of my games... sorry about that...
and also, Foust didn't play a single match in the successful campaign at the World Cup as he was injured for most of the time...


Reserve Team
not surprised about the sub stuff...since i believe i started on the reserve squad.

I'm not happy about being injury prone. I'm not even that bad in real life:kader:

Anybody have me in the rotation? I have to live it out with you guys since I'm too broke to get 03/04...but i finally got 01/02 for $10 last week....sad isn't it.


Youth Team
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
While playing in the UEFA Cup I was absolutely delighted when I was handed a tie vs. Real Madrid in the quarter finals... it was the chance to play against a top club in europe... I guess I didn't do that bad...
after that I went on to beat West Brom (!!!!) in the semis (7-0 agg) and Parma in the final match (4-0)

kibe, u said u will play me in cup matches sometimes. Have u?

Just wonderin

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by Beefburger
kibe, u said u will play me in cup matches sometimes. Have u?

Just wonderin
Yeah I played you a few times in the early rounds of the FA and League Cup
you did fairly well I guess but not enough to secure a place in the side unfortunately

#1 Stunna

The Alpha Mexican
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
Coincidentally Stunna didn't play in the final match which would explain why USA lost 3-0 to France

damn right! (H) :rockman:

The defense completely broke down without me. ;)