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CM03/04 SG United link and results (SCREENIES!!)

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by mixafendis
(H) Yeah, these awards suck! How is it possible that I'm not in the best 11 :p
You were out to injury for most of the season so maybe that's a reason.... the fact is I don't understand the awards either... Raul only plays when either Guil or Mixafendis are injured or in cup games... Smith plays even less than him (I even sent him out on loan)

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
Originally posted by mixafendis
N-E-1 still playing with SG Utd? :confused:
I guess it's just me (edit: and fender - he hadn't replied when I was writing my msg)... and I've just started a new game with Liverpool...
I'll still play SG Utd sometimes (when Liverpool have half the players injured and the team starts losing - about December in the game I guess)

Knight Saber

Senior Squad
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
World Cup stars:

Yeah! I got into the Aus squad, go me!
Could someone supply me with a pic 'cause I ain't got the update yet (yeah i kno, im' slack:p ).


Reserve Team
Originally posted by Knight Saber

Yeah! I got into the Aus squad, go me!
Could someone supply me with a pic 'cause I ain't got the update yet (yeah i kno, im' slack:p ). [/B]

How is Foust doing? He injured in your game too?

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
something weird just happened to me...
I installed CMSorted.net update and I think it shouldn't mess up my saved games... but it seems like SG Utd changed its name... and moved overseas!!!


Fan Favourite
OOHH, do you have Freddie Adu and Earnie Stewart now :wootman:

It is very strange tho, very. They must have the same ID, and the game apparently only saves the ID, not the names associated (clever enough, it would save 30% or more on the save game datasize). Also check the Soccergaming.tv Community Stadium. Might have changed name aswell. :(

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
no Adu or Stewart for me...
but it's really weird... it hadn't changed when I updated it from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 even though SG Utd wasn't included when I started a new game.... only when I updated it with CMSorted the name was changed...
we now play in the RFK memorial but the stadium and the team name seem to be the only diff things...
we still play in the premier league and the players are the same...


Team Captain
Originally posted by Kibe Kru
something weird just happened to me...
I installed CMSorted.net update and I think it shouldn't mess up my saved games... but it seems like SG Utd changed its name... and moved overseas!!!

either that or Washington bought all of your players and stole your logo :confused:

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
maybe they thought I was a dictator as I wouldn't allow transfers and they found clear evidences that I was hiding weapons of mass destruction so they decided to take over... all in name of freedom of course
or some russian petrol billionaire thought it would be nice to buy both SG and DC utd just to use DC's name on the Premier league
who knows?