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The Art Of Approaching Women.


Club Supporter
It's very important to make single women feel special and unique. In return, she will feel that you are also special and unique. It should very necessary to know that how do you make a single woman feel special? I just read this very cool book called the System, by Roy Valentine. I learned more about picking up girls with this book than in all my years of dating. I wish I had the book when I was in college. I really recommend this book for guys looking to get hooked up.


Unreliable deceiver
Staff member
Penos photo for the window :( :( :(

WTF is this not doing in the Players' Lounge anyway (H)


Make America Great Again
sinder_03;2372562 said:
It's very important to make single women feel special and unique. In return, she will feel that you are also special and unique. It should very necessary to know that how do you make a single woman feel special? I just read this very cool book called the System, by Roy Valentine. I learned more about picking up girls with this book than in all my years of dating. I wish I had the book when I was in college. I really recommend this book for guys looking to get hooked up.

Yeah, Roy Valentine says the best way to do this is by buying women stuff. If you just meet a woman on the street, hand her a $20 and that will make her feel special. Soon she'll be calling you all the time and you'll go on all kinds of dates to Macy's and Tiffany's. When you start paying her rent and buy her a car, she'll feel so special, which in turn will make her think you're special, you're totally in! It's all in Roy Valentine's book, but there's no reason to buy it since I've told you essentially his entire system.