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Squadfile With Icons


Youth Team
is it possible to add players who have been removed from the game but probably they are in the database of the game with faces they just need to register their correct id, such as Tevez and others who have been removed by Cafu and others there are options guys? Thanks before I used creation master 06 for a long time ,07,08,09,10-12-13-14
Is there no one who can create a Squad file with full Baby and Mid Icons or also Prime and all Players (Messi, Ronaldo..) 19 years old please?



1. Download the squadfile you need from MEGA folder
2. Unzip the squadfile with Winrar or similar program
3. Move the squad file to "Documents/FIFA 23/settings"

4. To load the squadfile in game go to Customise -> Profile -> Load Squads

5. All icons are in the Free Agents, so if you want to transfer them somewhere else then in-game go to Customise -> Edit Teams -> Club Transfers

6. Now you can start new career and you will have the icon players there. Make sure you pick "Use Current Squads"

Squad Files:

27.09.2022 - All

- 297 Icons (99 Base, 99 Middle, 99 Prime)
- All Heroes
- All Icons & Heroes are 19 yo (attributes not adjusted)
- All Icons & Heroes are in Free Agents

27.09.2022 -Prime
- 99 Prime Icons
- All Heroes
- All Icons & Heroes are 19 yo (attributes not adjusted)
- All Icons & Heroes are in Free Agents

- Mega

List of Icons and Heroes -> Here
Python script -> Here
hi please add python script file with pele, we need him


Club Supporter
Anyone have problem with python scripts? Any of .bat doesn't work. Only add_icons python script works, but I have all the icons in free agens when for example I want only prime. Any tips?