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Fan Favourite
Staff member
Good to be back. I am starting off a bit slow, because I have had to rebuild my system after my motherboard died. Since then it has been one thing after another. I find Diego Fallas' Juve Kits from Fifa 19 to be quite good, so I simply added normals and coeffs to them and created an fbmod with a minikit. I haven't even downloaded RDBM, so I cannot provide a teamkits table just yet. I also have only done the home kit, because I'm late for work. Very quickly as a start:

Juventus Home Kit 19/20 (Collar 0/ Use Included Coeffs and Normals) -- The textures are the work of Diego Fallas and all credit should be given to him:


And an fbmod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1spj1CNJgzNJ2vAxUznsLvD84JRcsNiso

* I will finish Juve's kits and make the changes in the teamkits table later this evening. Cheers

Here is are the Away and GK kits, and an updated fbmod:

Juve Away (Collar 7/ Blank Crest/ Use Included Coeffs and Normals):


*Post continued below due to image restrictions per post
Last edited:
Good to be back. I am starting off a bit slow, because I have had to rebuild my system after my motherboard died. Since then it has been one thing after another. I find Diego Fallas' Juve Kits from Fifa 19 to be quite good, so I simply added normals and coeffs to them and created an fbmod with a minikit. I haven't even downloaded RDBM, so I cannot provide a teamkits table just yet. I also have only done the home kit, because I'm late for work. Very quickly as a start:

Juventus Home Kit 19/20 (Collar 0/ Use Included Coeffs and Normals) -- The textures are the work of Diego Fallas and all credit should be given to him:


And an fbmod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1spj1CNJgzNJ2vAxUznsLvD84JRcsNiso

* I will finish Juve's kits and make the changes in the teamkits table later this evening. Cheers
Can you use cover from fbmod fifa 19
Hey buddy

Can you please extract the original Fifa 20 Real and Barca Kits for me? (texture, coeffs, normals...) I have troubles to install new frosty editor. Always get errors


Fan Favourite
Staff member
Hey buddy

Can you please extract the original Fifa 20 Real and Barca Kits for me? (texture, coeffs, normals...) I have troubles to install new frosty editor. Always get errors

Completely forgot your request. Do you still need those kits?


Fan Favourite
Staff member
does anyone know how to change chest badge potition to the left with RDBM?

You need to adjust the hotspot files. This can be difficult without access to CGFE 18, because you can enter the values in that program and see a rendering of the change.