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  • hello your creations are excellent !! You have brought happiness to my game, I would like to ask you if you can create the kit away brighton 2021-22 please! since I can't find it in the forum. Thank you!!!
    Hi, I'm trying to make my own scoreboard for FIFA 20 but there are some things that I can't solve. Could you please tell me how to edit position and colour of the texts (team names, score, time) and how to edit those team colours bars?
    también necesita editar la base de datos de idiomas para que los nombres de jugadores y equipos aparezcan correctamente
    Los gráficos cambiados se muestran bien en el juego de Fifa 20, no así los datos modificados en el "fifa_ng_db.DB". La verdad no se que puedo estar haciendo mal para que no aparescan los datos modificados. Soy solo oidos a sus sugerencias y tips que pueda proporcionarme.
    Gracias y disculpa la molestia.
    5-Este mod "Replaced National Teams.fbproject" lo coloco de último en el "FrostyModManager", junto a Ballpack AIO, Euro Ref Kits, GlovePack AIO, NT Kits 2020, Riesscar's 20-21 Kits y AIO.
    4-En el FrostyEditor abro otra ves el arhivo "Replaced National Teams.fbproject". Importo el "fifa_ng_db.DB" modificado y procedo a cambiar los gráficos (banner, flags, kits, minikits y logos) de Canada (dejando siempre el teamid del equipo de Canada) por los de Costa Rica.
    3-Procedí a cambiar el ID del item "nationality" de la tabla "players" a los jugadores de nacionalidad costarricense de 72 a 70 (Canada) para poder escojer estos en este equipo.
    Hola Riescar.
    Te explico le que he hecho:
    1- Yo extraje el "fifa_ng_db.DB" del arhivo "Replaced National Teams.fbproject" con el FrostyEditor.
    2-El "fifa_ng_db.DB", lo abrí con el programa "DB Master".
    Hi Riesscar. I have used a db from their "Riesscar's AIO Documentation 4" to change some players from one nationality to another, but after adding the fbmod in the FrostyModManager together with their mods and applying it, it does not appear in Fifa 20. This does not show the changes what i did in the db. In the absence of more information from me, you might assume that I am doing wrong. Thanks for any help.
    What is your native language? If it is Spanish, then I speak it as well and we should maybe use it. From what you wrote... you have my most recent AIO(s) and you wish to use an edited database; however, when you load the game with my AIO fbmods, the changes you made no longer show up. Correct?
    If so, the issue is quite simple. The database file (I assume fifa_ng.db) you edited is also edited in one of my AIOs - either the general AIO or the 'Replaced Teams' AIO. Whichever fbmod is lowest in the list of applied mods will be the one that is used by the game. So, you have two options:
    1) you can open the project files that I include in the AIO, export the database, make your changes and then reimport the database.
    2) you can just set your fbmod with your modded database below my fbmods in the list of applied mods
    congratulations riesscar
    makes the new manchester United uniform from sponsor haier, that of chelsea home from new sponsor three who launched
    Hi brother. I'm sorry that you do not create faces anymore for fifa 16. I really would like you to come back and make us dream with your fantastic work!
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