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this is the overlay on which I want to make the changesediting offsets is 99% in the 0 (picture with calendar).
In my template it is offset F410-F420 for away team score and F460-F470 for home team score. But you are using a different template so it might not work.this is the overlay on which I want to make the changes
View attachment 142174
while this is the folder 0 on which you told me to make the changes (at least I think so)
View attachment 142175
Now where should I intervene to modify the central score so that the numbers and the dash move slightly to the right and downwards? sorry mate thank you
OK, good news and bad news. Good news is now it's working properly. Bad news is that my tv logo is now always generic. Well sod it, I'm tired of trying to figure this out
TV Logo is always overlay_9105.big. No matter if PL, Bundesliga or any other tournament.Hello everyone! A small question: I would like to be able to modify the TV Logo with personalized ones that I edited myself from the broadcast of the time in my country; I try to insert it through SERVER16 next to the Scoreboard, but in the game the one that comes by default in the Patch is always prioritized. Does anyone know how to prioritize the ones I select from SERVER16?
I am really sorry but this year not anymore. La Liga is the last project for 2023 (btw development is around 70%)Can someone make the UEFA WOMENS CHAMPIONS LEAGUE POPUPS AND SCOREBOARDS?
I´m Making the tournamnet for FIFA 16 but I don´t have this!
Thanks a lot and I´m waiting for your help!
Adboards?Beautiful work @RHZhang !! What scoreboards do you use if I can ask ?
Excuse me.Adboards?
Great job my friend @RHZhangThere was a small bug in the previous file, please download it again.
And I made an adjustment to the position of an old popup to match the new scoreboard.
View attachment 143868
23-24 EPL ScoreBoard Fix
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