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  1. Harry BullZak

    How to... Create wipe3d files for FIFA 14

    wipe3d editing guide A commonly requested feature for FIP14 is the addition of updated wipe3d files. Below I will try to explain how to make them. wipe3d updates are low on my priority list, so if you want them, try the guide below. You will need: Jenkey FIFA File Explorer 2014 Image editing...
  2. Derbyoflove

    Overlay Emporium - Theory and Practice of Scoreboards, Pop-ups and Wipes

    Dear Soccergaming Community, as interest is growing in this topic and my general graphics thread gets a bit confusing I decided to open this new one. I intend to create an index for all my so far created scoreboards to make search easier, post new creations and collect and summarize knowledge...
  3. M


    Hi all , How can i edit the wipe3d graphics ?