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  1. R


    Hello all, I have bought a Brazilian MOD and its amazing, but I want to add some tournaments on this MOD and one team. I do not have the project file for the Brazilian MOD, however I do have the IDs. I've already created some tournament MOD (New world cup for clubs every 4 yeaars with 32...
  2. Derbyoflove

    Overlay Emporium - Theory and Practice of Scoreboards, Pop-ups and Wipes

    Dear Soccergaming Community, as interest is growing in this topic and my general graphics thread gets a bit confusing I decided to open this new one. I intend to create an index for all my so far created scoreboards to make search easier, post new creations and collect and summarize knowledge...
  3. xDarkohhh

    Sky Sports TV Overlay by xDarkohhh

    Sky Sports TV Overlay by xDarkohhh Includes: - General Sky Sports TV Overlay - Custom Premier League Sky Sports TV Overlay - Custom Bundesliga Sky Sports TV Overlay Any feedback or ideas would be much appreciated. Working on last FIFA 22 Update. Download Link...
  4. drlatorre

    What overlay ID is that of the champion team? SOLVED

    Is there anybody who knows what overlay_xxxx.big I have to edit to change or remove this black overlay? Is the final one when the champion team take a picture with the cup btw partially covered by the overlay. EDIT: Solved. Thanks to Derbyoflove...
  5. Antonio_7002 FIFA


    -I made this mod for all the Romanians that plays FIFA 22 modded on pc 6 Romanian overlays for all the leagues and PRO.ARENA for premier league -PRO TV -PRIMA TV -DIGISPORT 1 -LOOK TV -LOOKPLUS -TVR 1 THE UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK
  6. JochemLFC2

    Overlay Request topic

    Hey guys! with frosty i found all the badges that can be possible to add in a 15 year career mode. if you guys need a overlay, tell me ! :) 7 times CL winner 8 times CL winner 9 times CL winner
  7. PaoloDeGArmo

    Overlay LOGO tv SKY Tutorial (ITA)

  8. Leandro Ariagno

    Leandro Ariagno's Mods

    Hi everyone, my first post, i like to share this ESPN logo for fifa 18, hope you like it Hola a todos, mi primer post, me gustaria compartir este logo de ESPN para fifa 18, espero que les agrade ___________________________________ MY OTHER MODS - MIS OTROS MODS: UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE MOD...