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FIFA Renaissance 2015: Global Gameplay Package With Specific Addons

Hello everyone, it's that time of year again -- editing season! And what better way to start than to build off of the solid foundation that is FIFA 15. Listed below are my primary objectives for this year's game and maybe a digression or two to explore other possibilities. THIS THREAD IS OPEN TO ANY SUGGESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE SO DON'T HESITATE TO LET YOUR IDEAS FLY. I'LL DO MY BEST TO IMPLEMENT YOUR FEEDBACK AND ANSWER ALL APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS.

Project 1:

The return of the slider script:

As with last year, except this time it will be completed to a stable base ;), I'll be creating a Cheat Engine script that accomplishes the following:

• Randomizes the pace of the game: you'll feel your players slow down at times during the match -- usually a little before half-time or at the end of a grueling match. The same applies to the AI side, but the effect will be more pronounced. If your players happen to be fresh and energized as compared to your opponents' energies, you'll be able to exploit defensive weakpoints and dictate possession.

• Randomizes Pass Speed, Pass Error, Shot Speed, and Shot Error. Now, wait, you might be thinking, "No! Bad idea. If you randomize error for the user, that would take away a controllable factor of the match, making the game feel scripted. Not good." Well, that is true to a degree, but what you must realize is that the way the slider randomization will be implemented for the User is a totally different story than how it will be implemented for the AI. The AI has cheats by default -- you know, that seemingly rigid feeling the game has and those last minute game winners by the AI, yeah, that's scripting. This adjustment seeks to maximize the amount of error for CPU shots and passes and slightly expand the User's range of error without breaking the distinct difficulty levels established in the vanilla game. So don't worry. All I need is feedback on how I should go about increasing/decreasing User or AI error once the first Beta is released. Balance is key here.

• Randomizes CPU and User positioning:
That tight and aggressive AI defense eluding you in FIFA 15? Well, slider tweaks are one way to shore up the backs' positioning as a unit, but you don't get the best of both world: the loose defense that results randomly during a match, those mental errors that open up holes in a defensive shell, and the downright grittiness of parking-the-bus. With random slider implementation, you can have the best of the three -- a healthy mix of tight defense and minute lanes that will open up depending on the situation.

• GK Ability randomization and injury randomization:
Yes, yes, there's a lot of "random" going on here, and this is actually on of the subtle features of the slider script. The FIFA 15 Demo's GKs already have some attributable and unpredictable error assigned to them by way of what save animations are chosen to block a particular shot. Injuries are also tied to in-game logic and are also already randomized for the most part, so my tweaks will only add a coat to the system present.

• Situational assignment:
Yep, I'm hoping to augment the Home vs. Away effect and assign speed and error values appropriate to the time elapsed during a match. More on this in the future, but it's confirmed possible by last year's findings.

That's a brief summary of the barebones features of the script. More may be added or some crossed off, so please refer back to this post for updates.

Project 2:

INI configuration:

Another year, another ini. The sole purpose of my ini this year will be to complement paired db's and slider script version. It may very well work as a standalone, but don't expect the effect to be exactly the same if you do use my ini by itself.

My ini will mainly change AI thought processes and the variety of buildup play.
I'll post all developments here and throughout the thread, but use this post as a summary of all findings and implementations.​

Project 3:


You can't go wrong with a good database when looking for the perfect gameplay or personalized rosters. Unlike my ini that I am building, the db will work much better as a standalone, but still should be used optimally as a complement to the slider script. I'll be finishing the style template I had set up last year, but I have no ETA's to write here as this is the third project on my list in order of importance. I'll leave more details here when I get to developing the database for the full version of the game.


Okay, so I had no idea where to put these on my list above, so I decided to make a separate list of the little discoveries that I wish to make this year -- those digressive explorations that answer the question, "Is ____ possible?"

Here goes:

1. Ball Physics: Increase the falling speed of an airborne ball. Increase spin and friction if needed. This is all through Cheat Engine (CE), mind you. Oh, and none of this is confirmed to be possible, at least from my editing journey last year.

2. DB editing through RAM? Yeah, so this one is probably not going to produce anything at all because I've yet to find db values in the exe during runtime. Maybe I haven't looked well enough, which may very well be true. More on this when I attempt to convert my slider script. The idea here is, like realtime randomization of sliders, to perform the same randomization on player and team attributes, creating a dynamic game.

3. Futsal or some related short-sided game. This will be in no way as extensive as FIFA 13's Futsal Mod by FIFA Infinity, that is, unless there are still some boot, kit, and stadium editors willing to make the required textures and venues . Always nice to have a short-sided match, if you ask me, so IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS, LEAVE ME A PM. I'LL FOCUS MORE OF MY ENERGIES ON THIS PROJECT.

All downloads will be found below in their respective categories.
And that's all .... or is it....

Leave comments on what you wish to see the most. I'm open to rearranging my priorities. :)


Cheat Engine Script (FIFARS)



• 1.0a : Link

• RGS 1.0 B R5: Link

Please read the Doc.txt to get started and leave me feedback if you can't get it to work for some reason. I'll answer when I have the time, but this week I don't have the time to support it much.

Change Log since 1.0a:

+ Standalone with GUI
+ Customization
+ Functions to enable, disable, and edit settings.
+ Hotkeys (F3, F4, F5) to perform some of these functions on the fly during matches.
+ Ability so freeze some settings, read the Doc.txt carefully because I've got a workaround in place as of now.
+ Ability to restore settings to the default provided files.
+ Better randomization function for greater variety than the standard Lua one.

To come when applicable:

- [Not possible yet] A better passing system with random ball movement and pass error. I found the sliders inadequate for proper pass error this year, so I'll be trying to edit ball trajectories to compensate for where the in-built sliders fail.
- (Optional) Player ratings editing during memory. No guarantees here, but I hope this ones possible.
- More tweaks to the default files from the script package.
- (Optional) Same with team tactics.

[Installation for 1.0a]:
0. Check to make sure you have the correct fifa15.exe version. (Right click on the exe --> Properties --> Details)
1. Install Cheat Engine.
2. Download script.
3. Double-click to run script after download.
4. Say "Yes" when it asks to run the LUA script.
5. Load game and access the slider and custom tactic menus from the pause menu to see if the script is running properly. Also, confirm that the values in the table's addresslist are changing randomly.
6. Have fun and tell me what you think.

[Installation for 1.0BR4 Standalone and beyond]:
0. Check to make sure you have the correct fifa15.exe version ( for 1.0B R4 and R5). (Right click on the exe --> Properties --> Details)
1. Download the archive.
2. Extract to any directory.
3. Keep all files in the same folder.
4. Read the Doc.txt.
5. Open the program and FIFA 15, click enable after FIFA opens or press F2.
6. Check to make sure the sliders are randomizing after starting a match and accessing the games settings menu after pausing.
7. Profit?
8. Enjoy. Press F3 to disable.


Q: What have you mainly changed with this script?
A: I've prioritized on injecting a bit of random into the game by assigning randomly values to the in-game sliders at three second intervals. Of course, these values are assigned within proper ranges so that the user still experiences control over the game. Balance is my priority. Secondly, I've also been successful in randomizing the team tactics of each team. In this way, even the same team will come out with a new strategy every game.
More features will come with the amount of freetime and ideas that I have. :) Detailed documentation coming soon.

Q: Is it a virus?
A: No, neither Cheat Engine nor my script is a virus. Your antivirus may pick up the script or Cheat Engine as a threat only because Cheat Engine accesses attached executable's memory when you attach a process to it. Unless you incorrectly use the program to edit your important files, you shouldn't be worried. Nor virus exists in either the exe or my script.

Q: When will users be able to tweak your script?
A: As soon as I have the time to learn how to create a user interface for it ;). This post will update you on that, so check back here for updates.

Q: My game crashes / the script does not run / there is another error.
A: That's not a question, but I'll do my best to fix any errors you might have if you would be so kind as to report them here in this thread.

Q: Is this mod compatible with Moddingway's patch, Fidel's gameplay mods, Paulv2k4's mod, Fifaccitiu's mod, etc?
A: Most certainly! One beauty of this mod is that it is compatible with every other FIFA mod out there -- except for other Cheat Engine scripts, o' course.

Q: Will I lose my slider set that I use currently?
A: Nope, this script only randomizes the sliders that are accessed during a match. The custom slider set that you may have is a different set in memory that is left untouched by my script.

Dark Byte for Cheat Engine: http://cheatengine.org/index.php
Alright, I'm going to convert the script tomorrow and this weekend to perform preliminary tests before the full game is released. I'll also look into the possibility of dynamic db editing and ball physics. The number of votes will determine what projects I prioritize in first. Refer to the first post for updates, as there will be a few during the duration of the rest of the week.


Starting XI
Hey AndreaPirlo. Your randomizing ideas all sound interesting, anything to create that element in the game play is a worthwhile project, very creative. For me, I don't like player cheats so I'm personally not interested in that. The random aspect I would like to see in the game would be CPU teams changing tactics and formations according to the game situation. Or maybe even just changing mid-game as a way of giving the match a different feel suddenly. PES has done this for years. I don't know if it's possible with FIFA, it seems EA only ever relies on player rating boosts as the method of changing the CPU AI behavior mid-game.


Reserve Team
I see three major modders here for gameplay: fidel, Andrea and fifaCCitiu. Overall, you want to achieve the same. A more realistic gameplay. Why don't you work together? :O

What I wish for Fifa 15:

- opponent passing back (also to the goalie)
- distance shots
- long balls from the defense or midfield to open the game
- more fouls
- accurate speed
- camera fix for broadcast



Reserve Team
bangus;3736529 said:
Hey AndreaPirlo. Your randomizing ideas all sound interesting, anything to create that element in the game play is a worthwhile project, very creative. For me, I don't like player cheats so I'm personally not interested in that. The random aspect I would like to see in the game would be CPU teams changing tactics and formations according to the game situation. Or maybe even just changing mid-game as a way of giving the match a different feel suddenly. PES has done this for years. I don't know if it's possible with FIFA, it seems EA only ever relies on player rating boosts as the method of changing the CPU AI behavior mid-game.

this would be cool. I always waiting for a real coach on the sideline. Individually animated and giving real commandos to his team.
bangus;3736529 said:
Hey AndreaPirlo. Your randomizing ideas all sound interesting, anything to create that element in the game play is a worthwhile project, very creative. For me, I don't like player cheats so I'm personally not interested in that. The random aspect I would like to see in the game would be CPU teams changing tactics and formations according to the game situation. Or maybe even just changing mid-game as a way of giving the match a different feel suddenly. PES has done this for years. I don't know if it's possible with FIFA, it seems EA only ever relies on player rating boosts as the method of changing the CPU AI behavior mid-game.

Oh, the script I'm making is not randomizing through cheat exploitation. I'm just adding my twist on to dampen the cheats set in place by FIFA's gameplay team -- namely over-the-top pass accuracy, buzzy agility, etc. I'm also using the slider randomization to tighten or loosen marking at random points in the game. If anything, this script would be anti-cheat. The only caveat here is that it be balanced so that the vanilla difficulty levels remain standard.

Your idea is exactly what I hope to explore today and this weekend -- looking to edit the database tables in memory (through Cheat Engine) so that teams change their tactics -- buildup, buspassing, cccrossing, etc, depending on the in-game situation. I'm not sure if this is possible as of yet and that's why I want to tackle this during the remainder of this week. Might have some news regarding this later today.

krisaju95;3736559 said:
sure mate :) good luck
Thanks, man.
xPr0metheus;3736587 said:
I see three major modders here for gameplay: fidel, Andrea and fifaCCitiu. Overall, you want to achieve the same. A more realistic gameplay. Why don't you work together? :O

What I wish for Fifa 15:

- opponent passing back (also to the goalie)
Definitely possible. Requires lowering of buildupspeed, and buspassing + some other players table tweaks. You'll see this in my db, whenever I get to converting the giant Excel spreadsheet filled with macros that I have to FIFA 15. ;)
- distance shots
Another confirmed-to-work tweak: Up ccshooting and give players the longshot trait and distance shooter specialty. Also, open up space in opponent formations. I'll add this too when I have the time.
- long balls from the defense or midfield to open the game
From defense to midfield for counters, yes; from defense to midfield once the ball has passed the defensive third, eeehhh, maybe. I've mostly seen defenders dump it up to striker or at the most make a switch to the other flank.
- more fouls
A subjective matter -- pertains to how you play the game. I've always attempted to increase the number of tackle fouls (either from standingtackles or slidingtackles). This year does not seem to be any different from the last in terms of foul count, but I'll elaborate on this when I get into db editing. It is possible, though.
- accurate speed
Yes! Something that can be done, but is again a matter of subjectivity. Your ideal game speed may not be ideal for the next man. Finding that game speed niche is something that I, and all the other gameplay modders, seek to accomplish year in and year out. Will be trying to find that silver lining this year too.
- camera fix for broadcast
Hmm. Haven't tinkered with camera values. What fix do you mean?

I've given some thought in red for each of your wishes.
xPr0metheus;3736590 said:
this would be cool. I always waiting for a real coach on the sideline. Individually animated and giving real commandos to his team.
The only way to add managers that change their team's tactics in realtime is for EA to do it themselves, but yes this is a great idea in theory.

Order of what I'll be attempting this week:

1. Memory DB editing.
2. DB workbook conversion -- this will take the longest, so might as well start now. :P
3. Tweak code in FIFA 14 slider script before converting it when the full game comes out. Shouldn't take very long to convert this to FIFA 15 this time around.


Reserve Team
with point 3 I meant of course long balls from defense to strikers or midfield to strikers like in real football :-) Like Tony Kroos or Granit Xhaka often do.

and about the camera this is something probably only EA can do (like the manager stuff)
there is this new feature to switch to the players in the box when you have a corner kick. using the broadcast camera and having a corner from the downside, half of the screen is cut off and you cannot see your players. best would be a switch to tele-camera in this case.

btw, I remember you and me talked about missing idle move in fifa to slow the game down and look around. Maybe you could take a look on this topic I created:

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk


Starting XI
AndreaPirlo21;3736609 said:
Oh, the script I'm making is not randomizing through cheat exploitation. I'm just adding my twist on to dampen the cheats set in place by FIFA's gameplay team -- namely over-the-top pass accuracy, buzzy agility, etc. I'm also using the slider randomization to tighten or loosen marking at random points in the game. If anything, this script would be anti-cheat. The only caveat here is that it be balanced so that the vanilla difficulty levels remain standard.
I don't know enough about what you're planning with that, so I can't really comment. What I'm trying to say is this: When game developers use "conditioning" and "form" and "confidence" to increase/decrease player performance and effectiveness, those to me are cheats. I don't want my players or the CPU to suddenly perform bad if they're under pressure, or suddenly become good because the other team is tired. I want to play with players who I know play a certain way throughout the game, based on their player ratings. Devs add this stuff to their games these days to create realism. But I've never seen it implemented properly, it throws the game play out of whack IMO. I always shut those features off if possible.

The "randomness" I like to see in FIFA has to do with game pace and team strategy. The biggest issue with FIFA, by far, is that all teams play exactly the same, there's no difference between them. Every CPU team grabs the ball and runs full speed up the pitch for 90 minutes. Every game is an all-out sprint contest. There are no slow games, there are no possession games, there are no quick counter attack games. The only type of games are run forward at full speed, all game long.

Maybe it's possible to get teams to play a variety of random styles of play. I don't even care if teams play like their real-life counterparts. I would just like to play different types of games throughout a season, so that I would actually need to use different strategies and formations, depending on what style of game my CPU opponent is randomly playing this time round.
I agree, bangus, and I understand that you do not want situational variety, so what I'm mainly trying to do is randomize the error sliders and speed sliders -- sprint speed and acceleration -- within a certain range that is tangible to the user, but doesn't and won't interfere with the play too much. The phases will happen randomly throughout the game, so you and the AI will have to adapt to the changes in pace and error. The script is not "scripted" to input set values into the slider ranges, but will do so if the game is left on for a very long time -- there is no truly random sequence that can be input without the use of high-tech equipment.

I'm more excited to see if I can find the team tactics values in the exe and maybe even player ratings, so that I can sort of inject random values, like in the slider script. Otherwise, if I get the db mod finished and I think the db should be a standalone type, I'll just look for the team tactics values.
So really the only sliders that need changing are the error sliders, the line dimension sliders, and slight tweaks to the speed sliders.

Of course, as you said before, this type of mod will not suit everyone, but I'm creating it for those that are interested. I'll let you know if I get anywhere with the team tactics.


Reserve Team
I wouldn't like random changes. better would be changes like tiredness or more agressive when you are behind or stuff like that

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
bangus;3736642 said:
Anything you add will no doubt be good and an improvement over the default game play, so no problem.
Thanks, it'll take some time to get things balanced out with your guys' feedback.
xPr0metheus;3736646 said:
I wouldn't like random changes. better would be changes like tiredness or more agressive when you are behind or stuff like that

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
Haha, that's what bangus doesn't wish to see implemented. I'll see what to put in when the time comes. It'll be difficult to balance. One feature that I'll implement for sure is the home and away effect, but of course, keeping the boost within a certain range.

One more point, bangus, last year when I made this script, I saw the CPU go into its super-saiyan mode around the 90th minute and sprint past my tired players, but when it came to delivering the killer pass or shot, my script interfered and their shots came off as every other had during the game -- no accuracy boosts to be found. Made holding the lead a bit easier by removing cheats.


Reserve Team
it would be cool if you achieved that players actually just stop when the get the ball. not always run run run

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xPr0metheus;3736708 said:
it would be cool if you achieved that players actually just stop when the get the ball. not always run run run

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

I could try to lower the accel and sprint speed sliders of the cpu when they receive the ball, but I need to find the event trigger for trapping the ball or some other indication. Could be possible.

I've also checked out dynamic team tactic changes, but the values I found returned to a placeholder once I un-paused the game from the team tactics menu. Haven't looked too thoroughly, though, so this isn't a lost cause yet. More news tomorrow and this weekend.


Starting XI
AndreaPirlo21;3736650 said:
One more point, bangus, last year when I made this script, I saw the CPU go into its super-saiyan mode around the 90th minute and sprint past my tired players, but when it came to delivering the killer pass or shot, my script interfered and their shots came off as every other had during the game -- no accuracy boosts to be found. Made holding the lead a bit easier by removing cheats.
FIFA is such a tough game to try and rebalance via edits, the cheat scripting when it kicks in essentially kills whatever effect the edits have on the game play. But it sounds like you're making some progress in that area, that's great.


Starting XI
xPr0metheus;3736708 said:
it would be cool if you achieved that players actually just stop when the get the ball.
That bit of CPU programming behaviour is in the game, I've seen it a number of times. It happened last night in a game: the CPU received a cross, chested the ball down just outside my 18 yd box, and then stood there for a couple of moments as if deciding what to do next. Players in FIFA need a Stop And Think rating, I'd globally edit everyone and give them all a 99.