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FIFA MANAGER 08 update to database of 2022/23

I am working on countryXY.sav files in order to update fifa manager 08 database (players, clubs, leagues).
I work only in free time so probably it will take a few months, now I am finishing converting players section in countryXY.sav files. To do is: club properties, country properties, competition and staff section. It is double but needs some time. In general working on .sav files it is easy job, the problem is with graphics.
I don't have any idea how to make specific player faces, specific kits for fifa manager 08. And I don't have also time for investigation it. So for me satisfied will be only update on countryXY.sav files and that's all. Old kits from 2008 will be used for Barcelona, Bayern, etc or generic ones for such teams as Lipsk etc.
But if anyone would like to do investigation for example convert fifa 23 kits to format of fifa manager 08 or convert faces from fifa 23 to fifa manager 08 or anything just share with me on priv the work which You did. So then once finished I will share with you countryXY.sav files with integrated your graphic files.
The same with pitch pattern in FM08. The default pitch (without any pattern) is awful. If anyone find the way how to make pattern in pitch for all FM08 teams please share your output of investigation.
International competitions like Champions League, Uefa Cup etc. won't be updated because this is not countryXY.sav files modification so I won't touch it, also season will start still in 2007/2008 but from player ages value 16 will be substracted. So I think such game will be fine, just it would be good to have new kits, about 300 specific faces and patterns in pitch:)
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Does anyone know how to convert for example fifa2005 kits into this format?

Unfortunately it seems like fifa manager 08 user kits format are very untypical. Neither Rinaldo in Kit master 627, 526 added possibility to convert to such awful format. Moreover I am searching not gui tool, just command line what makes problem more difficult.
We could leave original old FM08 kits but the problem is if you want to play match between two teams which by default don't exist in FM08. Both teams will have white away and home kits. Workaround is for example attach to each such new team kits with two colors for example white and red. But the best would be to find the way how to convert kits from fifa 2005 or other formats to FM08 one.



Currently I will use workaround, better this than nothing, if nobody wants to help so what can I do....life.
In case if there's no custom kit for the team, the game will use generic kit, which can be configured in the Editor.
I had a tool for converting modern FIFA kits into FM 08 format, I can look if it still works.

Update: yes, it works. The result is not perfect, but it's still better than nothing.
000E0001_h.png 000E0001_a.png000E000F_h.png000E000F_a.png000E000E_h.png000E000E_a.png
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Could You share this tool or better C++ code somewhere on github (or just wherever) so that I would make command line tool in C++ so such generation will done automatically in windows batch script.