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[Download] FLP Scoreboard Editor 14

Screenshot 2024-08-14 113726.png

After millions of request and months of research, it's finally coming through. For the first time ever, FIFA 14 is about to it's have dedicated scoreboard editor tool. It will work identically how FHL Scoreboard worked for FIFA 11/12.
The tool is entirely written in python and it's Tkinter toolkit. To install, just run the installer and install it to anywhere you desire. If your anti-virus flags it as a malware, don't worry. It's obviously a false positive. Add it to your anti-virus exception list and you are good to go.
Enjoy making new scoreboards!

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All F14 community are grateful for your contributions I got one question to ask is it possible to display scoreboard edits on the program?
View attachment 160254
After millions of request and months of research, it's finally coming through. For the first time ever, FIFA 14 is about to it's have dedicated scoreboard editor tool. It will work identically how FHL Scoreboard worked for FIFA 11/12.
The tool is entirely written in python and it's Tkinter toolkit. To install, just run the installer and install it to anywhere you desire. If your anti-virus flags it as a malware, don't worry. It's obviously a false positive. Add it to your anti-virus exception list and you are good to go.
Enjoy making new scoreboards!

is it possible to make an upddate to edit the textures with this tool?
- Corrected the offset for Stoppage Time in files with the internal name "8002"
- Improved internal performance
- Adjusted the application window size for better usability

The Ligue 1 scoreboard in FC25 is basically the default green and white scoreboard but the green is replaced with blue and instead of Matchday it says Ligue 1 McDonald's. Is there a way to use the FLP Editor or is it something you could do?
The Ligue 1 scoreboard in FC25 is basically the default green and white scoreboard but the green is replaced with blue and instead of Matchday it says Ligue 1 McDonald's. Is there a way to use the FLP Editor or is it something you could do?
Yeah you can modify any scoreboard file with this tool