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[Download] UEFA Euro 2008 Scoreboard & Popups

As my flow of Classic Patch content goes on, here comes the next one. This took some due to my personal projects getting in the way. But it is the finest texture work of the Euro 2008 color scheme and I am proud of it. Special thanks to the legend @V.K for the amazing support both on and off the mod. So huge shoutout to him.
Enjoy folks!

  1. Extract the file anywhere.
  2. Copy "Game" folder and paste it to your FIFA 14 installation directory, overwrite files if you need to.
  3. Regenerate & Play!



Great work as always!
im kinda envious as we dont have authentic EURO 2008 broadcast package for FIFA 16, only some fantasy graphics
now might be easier to be done since you already have all the graphics
so, thank you!