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[DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

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Very nice.thanks dear gigi..
If you can,please make more serie a and italian players in 90s and 2000s...
Me too, i'm looking forward to lots of new/revisited face models from the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's and I'm sure Giggi will make them when possible. I am sure that he's proceeding according to an already pre-established and expertly studied plan. Nothing happens by chance and in the end, in addition to satisfying himself (because the patch is his anyway!), he will also satisfy us; in fact, it is already doing so. The number of facescans is already impressive!


Starting XI
Actually, for this session with the faces I'm almost there. Not working on the database for climatic reasons (it's hot!) I concentrated my time on the faces. If I usually insert about 100 faces with each release between new features and fixes, this time I got to 200. Actually 198. So I'll try to do, if I can, only two faces to get to 200


Club Supporter
Ferri Riccardo

it's really good face, onllу one small detail...his forehead it's seams to be litlebit bigger in my opinion .....it could be done with moving up the hair.....if you agree with me I can do it


  • riccardo-ferri-italien-inter-milan.jpeg
    48.9 KB · Views: 46


Starting XI
it's really good face, onllу one small detail...his forehead it's seams to be litlebit bigger in my opinion .....it could be done with moving up the hair.....if you agree with me I can do it
It was in my first version while I was working. But I changed it because it became out of proportion. However, it is not the forehead that is the problem, only the eyes. They should be closer. I was working on it but it was becoming a caricature. The real problem is the eyes. This is due to the fact that the primary photo is a recent photo where the eyes have slumped due to age. But if I put the eyes similar to 35 years ago then the texture would go to hell, losing similarity is a compromise that I had to make with the photos
Giggi, sono due settimane che vorrei chiederti quando pubblicherai una patch, ma continuo a dimenticarmelo.
honestly don't know. After the July release I took a long break to follow the Olympic games and slowly got back to full operation about a month ago. But I haven't worked on the database. I created the teams for TonyKroos' kits and reviewed and created a lot of faces. But on the database no project has been developed as I hoped. I have to wait for the heat to pass. I don't work well in the heat.