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Better Experience Career v1.0.9 [TU 17.1]

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ey my friend... it is great... maybe you can help me.. Iam trying to play career with a team (custom) from another league in a specific league (example: galatasaray playing premiere league but with diferents players, all changed trought the RDBM tables) and in the middle of the league it crash... do you know what happening ? is this a problem from fixture? howcan I solve this Iam desperate
thaanks pal
Hello bro!you fix that?
Try changing only players part, but let leagueteamlinks intact and simply replace Galatasaray in-game when picking teams for CM, it should work. If not, then it's the problem with players you created, maybe u use some ID's which is used by fifa in CM to generate regens.
Helmy friend...how I can changing only players part?I don't understand what do you mean
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