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..:: 2010 FIFA World Cup Game - Adding Mod Thread ::..


Club Supporter
Se juega 1 partido y al siguiente me saca para el escritorio en windows buscando algun problema alguien me dice q hacer
i CAN play only one game and when i play the second the game reboot me to windows


Club Supporter
Getting error that fifa 10 is not installed correctly. Please reinstall.. I have reinstalled fifa 10 3 times and this error keeps coming up. I followed all instructions and still nothing.. Extracted the patch, applied the fix, ran WC.reg and this error still comes up.. Running Windows 7 32bit. Any suggestions....


Club Supporter
Errores criticos

Faltan como 30 equipos???
Where are 30 team aproch i dont see them?
Van a sacar un parche con los equipos q faltan y a arreglar los problemas q se presentan???


Club Supporter
I can't download the v1.01 Database Fix from filefront . Download won't start .Only after a few seconds goes to news.filefront.com... I have tried to click on your download will start in a moment, if it does not, click here . Then does same . So can anyone help to download or upload it to diffrent site . Any help would be appreciated!


Club Supporter
the link to Windows Vista & 7 64 bit Registry FIX ! is down. please reupload or put it on text mode, please... Thanks a lot for all your job.



Youth Team
to save me reading through 237 pages:
I have a ?
does this mod work or not, any help appreciated

just to add, what a pain in the arse fileserve is


Club Supporter
The installation was perfect!! But when I tried to create a new profile (start of the game) it crashed! Really want to try the new world cup game so please help! Thankyou!!


Club Supporter
Hi Guys i have done everything u instructed but wen i play the game it keeps coming with an error that windows is closing then it closes the game. the futherst i wen with the game is choosing teamsand wen i cllick play it gives the msg again. Note i opend the game with the launcher

good larka

Club Supporter
When I Play This Game,I've Got This Error..

WCSA10.exe has Stopped Working.

Windows Can Check Online For A Solution To the Problem.

--> Check Online for A Solution And Close The Program
--> Close The Program


Club Supporter
Salut, bai frate nu stiu daca mai "vizitezi" forumul asta, da' am descoperit si eu abia acum patchul tau. Misto, dar am o problema. Link-ul pe care l-ai pus catre "database fix" NU MERGE!! Imi da erori peste erori. Si chiar am nevoie de fix-ul asta, in speranta ca o sa repare crash-urile din joc. Pentru ca nu pot sa joc mai mult de un meci si imi da eroare. Fa ceva cu fix-ul ala, pune un link bun, ca asta nu merge! Multumesc


Youth Team
I don't understand why people download huge .exe patches that mess their game up. If you want to play world cup matches, then why not find or create the individual teams and stadiums and import them into your game through CM10?

Respect to those who tried to make a World Cup Patch via .exe, but it's such a hard thing to do. Even uploading a zdata or two with the world cup stuff in it would be safer. when you do an .exe patch, you risk entire game stability. You simply must backup everything.

How many people use this patch and do not experience bugs / crashes?