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..:: 2010 FIFA World Cup Game - Adding Mod Thread ::..


Club Supporter
regularcat;2911320 said:
its definately priceless to me, when you fall into the "useless" category.

read all your i need help posts, 8 years you have been here & still know nothing.

why do you even bother.

Bother with what ????


cuzo;2912215 said:
Bother with what ????

nothing man, i agreed to end this retardation as you said in the other thread.

just hope you can see & understand what im trying to do in the other thread,
& realize why im doing it.


Club Supporter
Duong;2912443 said:
Then don't.
Giúp mình đi Dương,sau khi cài lại win bị mất folder trong Document,giờ không chơi được nữa,download lại thì nản quá


i will talk to argvega & get his feelings about possibly giving directions to fix the mod for you guys.

im in a good mood, dont **** it up.


Club Supporter
regularcat;2907983 said:
vega is not gonna give you or anyone the files.

we share the same thought process.

noob or veteran, it doesnt matter, you need to learn at some point & now is the best time.

argvega & i are on the same page & will not be giving handouts anymore.

Heh, heh. Regularcat are You kidding? I implemented one game in my life and also made some patches to the earlier FIFA games. I have some experience so I may say You that You have to release version which works 100% if You want to be considered as a good patchmaker and have a good opinion about yourself. If You wouldn't release patch which improves all the bugs, people just **** your patch and they would prefer download FIFA SUPERMANIA patch and others. You should try to make as many people as possible play your patch.
As I said a few weeks ago, this patch is the most mistake in the history of FIFA and waste of time.
The project which You wasted of time and wouldn't finish is a MISTAKE!!! I know what I am saying because I also wasted 3 months to implement some game and it was very hard to make working 100% but when You handled all the bugs it is a success and wonderful feeling:)


Yellow Card - Racism; Exp. 31/08/2013
anders211;2913572 said:
Heh, heh. Regularcat are You kidding? I implemented one game in my life and also made some patches to the earlier FIFA games. I have some experience so I may say You that You have to release version which works 100% if You want to be considered as a good patchmaker and have a good opinion about yourself. If You wouldn't release patch which improves all the bugs, people just **** your patch and they would prefer download FIFA SUPERMANIA patch and others. You should try to make as many people as possible play your patch.
As I said a few weeks ago, this patch is the most mistake in the history of FIFA and waste of time.
The project which You wasted of time and wouldn't finish is a MISTAKE!!! I know what I am saying because I also wasted 3 months to implement some game and it was very hard to make working 100% but when You handled all the bugs it is a success and wonderful feeling:)

It is NOT our ****ing patch for the millionth time. Do you not understand english or what?

Regularcat and I just fixed the patch and made it 100% bug free, but this is NOT our patch. So if we release a download it would be stealing, because it is NOT our **** patch, me and regularcat are not thiefs so we won't release a download.

I was gonna release a walkthrough so people can do it, but this is exactly the reason why I won't, because people come here and disrespect for no reason.

Simple as that, does that make sense?


Club Supporter
I would just like to point out that the 74 bit link you put up for windows 7 users doesnt work, could you please get me one i use windows 7.


Club Supporter
ArgVega;2913586 said:
It is NOT our ****ing patch for the millionth time. Do you not understand english or what?

Regularcat and I just fixed the patch and made it 100% bug free, but this is NOT our patch. So if we release a download it would be stealing, because it is NOT our **** patch, me and regularcat are not thiefs so we won't release a download.

I was gonna release a walkthrough so people can do it, but this is exactly the reason why I won't, because people come here and disrespect for no reason.

Simple as that, does that make sense?

OK, I understood. I didn't read the whole 238 sites of posts. So to sump up You improved things for just yourselves, which creators hadn't handled. It's better not saying people how to fix bugs, because this task should belong to creators and users have to **** this patch, because this is **** with a lot of bugs. Personally I don't like people which make some tasks and don't finish. I wouldn't employ such people, because this bears witness about their nature and traits. The most important is to finish what You begun, in other case You just waste Your valuable time of life.:)


Club Supporter
Can somebody plz plz help me?
I tried everything,reinstaling .net frame,reinstaling the windows etc....but I can't shake that.Don't sent ERROR...
So can someone plz plz do me a favor?
I would like someone to edit the game in CREATION MASTER 10 and upload the fifa.dbf somewhere and post the link here...

I just want the next stadiums:
-only the Sunny Days option:Soccer City,Moses Mobhida,Green Point,Ellis Park
-only the Night option:Nelson Mondela,Loftus,Dire1 Euro Style,Modern South America

Also the teams should be given the next order:
-Soccer City:South Africa,Netherlands,Mexico,Brazil
-Moses Mobhida:Germany,Spain,Paraguay,Nigeria
-Green Point:Uruguay,Italy,England,Portugal
-Ellis Park:Argentina,Australia,USA,Japan

-Nelson Mondela:France,South Koreea,Switzerland,Ivory Coast
-Dire 1 Euro Style:Ghana,Algeria,North Korrea,Chile
-Modern South America:Cameroon,New Zeeland,Honduras,Slovenia

Thanks!!! ;)