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FIFA Editing Tool 21

FIFA Editor Tool

Club Supporter
**FIFA Editing Toolsuite 1.0.6 Release**

Lots of new features & fixes.

Blank Header.png


Club Supporter
how about this??

2021-07-01 07:44:11.833 +09:00 [INF] Creating Patch directory D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 21\FIFAModData\Patch\Win32\superbundlelayout\fifa_installpackage_05.
2021-07-01 07:44:11.833 +09:00 [INF] Creating Patch directory D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 21\FIFAModData\Patch\Win32\superbundlelayout\fifa_installpackage_06.
2021-07-01 07:44:11.833 +09:00 [INF] Creating Patch directory D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 21\FIFAModData\Patch\Win32\superbundlelayout\fifa_installpackage_07.
2021-07-01 07:44:11.833 +09:00 [INF] Creating Patch directory D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA 21\FIFAModData\Patch\Win32\superbundlelayout\fifa_installpackage_08.
2021-07-01 07:44:11.834 +09:00 [INF] Symlinks must be created. Creating them now...
2021-07-01 07:44:11.945 +09:00 [INF] Applying mods.
2021-07-01 07:54:27.777 +09:00 [ERR] Failed to launch game
System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.
at Sdk.FileReader.ReadIntoSpan(Span`1 buffer)
at Sdk.FileReader.ReadUInt16BigEndian()
at Sdk.IO.CasReader.ReadBlock()
at Sdk.IO.CasReader.Read()
at Sdk.Managers.ResourceManager.GetResourceData(String superBundleName, Int64 offset, Int64 size, Boolean decompress)
at Modding.ModExecutor.Fifa21BundleAction.Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Modding.ModExecutor.ApplyFifa21Mods(String patchPath, String modPath, String modDirName, List`1 symLinksToCreate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Modding.ModExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<<Run>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Modding.ModExecutor.Run(String gameName, String launcherName, String gameIdentifier, Boolean useAlternativeLaunchMethod, Boolean closeGameAndLauncher, DataVersion dataVersion, CancellationToken cancelToken, String rootPath, String additionalArgs, Boolean deleteModData, LocaleIniFile localeIniFile, String[] modPaths)
at Mod_Manager.MainWindow.LaunchGameAsync(Boolean deleteModData)


  • FIFA Mod Manager Log20210701.txt
    8.4 KB · Views: 285


Staff member
Super Moderator
I'm having this issue:


It occurs after editing different EBX. I can't remember which ones right now because it happened yesterday while I was trying different stuff, got frustrated and closed the tool, but please take a look.


Club Supporter
Greetings. Just wanted to say the most recent version of the live editor has been very stable and is an awesome tool. Thank you for everything you have done for the FIFA community :)


Club Supporter
Hi, does anyone knows if FIFA Editor tool will include some kind of tool like Creation Master? A frontend UI for editing? Thanks.


Youth Team
Gracias amigo por tu aporte, solo me gustaría pedir algo si es posible. La comunidad de habla hispana en este foro es muy amplia y muchos y muchos de nosotros no hablamos inglés, ni lo entendemos, y para escribir en este foro tenemos que usar un traductor de internet y muchas veces no son tan exactos como uno quisiera. Pero la pregunta es la siguiente, y es que las herramientas para editar o modificar el juego siempre están en inglés, ¿no habría posibilidad de hacer estas herramientas en varios idiomas, o hacer tutoriales en otros idiomas para saber cómo usarlo? ellos y, por lo tanto, un mayor número de fanáticos de la FIFA podría contribuir, editar y ayudar a otras personas? Gracias


Reserve Team
It works both ways. I am from Poland and I do not understand your Spanish, but I also use a translator. It is clearly emphasized on the forum that we use English and let's stick to that. In such cases, we can write the message in your own language, but it would be good to add an English translation as well.


Club Supporter
Gracias amigo por tu aporte, solo me gustaría pedir algo si es posible. La comunidad de habla hispana en este foro es muy amplia y muchos y muchos de nosotros no hablamos inglés, ni lo entendemos, y para escribir en este foro tenemos que usar un traductor de internet y muchas veces no son tan exactos como uno quisiera. Pero la pregunta es la siguiente, y es que las herramientas para editar o modificar el juego siempre están en inglés, ¿no habría posibilidad de hacer estas herramientas en varios idiomas, o hacer tutoriales en otros idiomas para saber cómo usarlo? ellos y, por lo tanto, un mayor número de fanáticos de la FIFA podría contribuir, editar y ayudar a otras personas? Gracias
Hi, there's a possibility make tools in other languages. It depends on the developer and tech used, there's Cognitive services available to make the translations. It's up to the developer only.
Since mostly everyone speaks English, maybe there's no reason for that.

Now in Portuguese and you can translate.
Existe a possibilidade de criar ferramentas noutro idiomas. Depende do programador, e tecnologias usadas, existem serviços que fazem a tradução automatica. É tudo decisão do programador.
Como a maioria fala inglês, não se vê essa necessidade.


Club Supporter
Gracias amigo por tu aporte, solo me gustaría pedir algo si es posible. La comunidad de habla hispana en este foro es muy amplia y muchos y muchos de nosotros no hablamos inglés, ni lo entendemos, y para escribir en este foro tenemos que usar un traductor de internet y muchas veces no son tan exactos como uno quisiera. Pero la pregunta es la siguiente, y es que las herramientas para editar o modificar el juego siempre están en inglés, ¿no habría posibilidad de hacer estas herramientas en varios idiomas, o hacer tutoriales en otros idiomas para saber cómo usarlo? ellos y, por lo tanto, un mayor número de fanáticos de la FIFA podría contribuir, editar y ayudar a otras personas? Gracias
Hi, there's a possibility make tools in other languages. It depends on the developer and tech used, there's Cognitive services available to make the translations. It's up to the developer only.
Since mostly everyone speaks English, maybe there's no reason for that.

Now in Portuguese and you can translate.
Existe a possibilidade de criar ferramentas noutro idiomas. Depende do programador, e tecnologias usadas, existem serviços que fazem a tradução automatica. É tudo decisão do programador.
Como a maioria fala inglês, não se vê essa necessidade.
Even if you don't know how to speak english, you have many alternatives to understand what each button does. At least here in Brazil, we have many expressions that were derived from the english language, so if you are inserted in a spanish-speaking mod community, there should be many english expressions that everyone there can understand. If you are still having trouble, I recommend you to use Google Translate from your cellphone, I've used it to decipher greek text when I unintentonally changed discord's language. And even if they translate the app to spanish(or any other language), it still wouldn't be enough because every FIFA folder and file are written in english, at the state that we are with the modding tools, translating it would be an unnecessary effort. If we had something like Creation Master, then translating it would be useful.

In portuguese:
Mesmo se você não sabe falar inglês, existem muitas alternativas pra entender o que cada botão faz. Pelo menos aqui no Brasil, usamos muitas expressões que vieram do inglês, então imagino que se você está inserido em uma comunidade de mods que fala em espanhol, terá expressões em inglês que todos que lerem a mensagem consigam entender. E se estiver tendo muita dificuldade, eu recomendo usar o Google Tradutor do celular, já usei pra decifrar texto escrito em grego quando eu mudei a lingua do discord sem querer. Se eles traduzissem o Mod Manager pra espanhol(ou qualquer outra língua), ainda não seria o suficiente pois todas as pastas e arquivos do FIFA são escritos em inglês, no estado atual das ferramentas pra se criar mods, traduzi-las seria um esforço desnecessário. Se tivéssemos algo parecido com o Creation Master, aí sim traduzir seria uma boa.


Club Supporter
Even if you don't know how to speak english, you have many alternatives to understand what each button does. At least here in Brazil, we have many expressions that were derived from the english language, so if you are inserted in a spanish-speaking mod community, there should be many english expressions that everyone there can understand. If you are still having trouble, I recommend you to use Google Translate from your cellphone, I've used it to decipher greek text when I unintentonally changed discord's language. And even if they translate the app to spanish(or any other language), it still wouldn't be enough because every FIFA folder and file are written in english, at the state that we are with the modding tools, translating it would be an unnecessary effort. If we had something like Creation Master, then translating it would be useful.

In portuguese:
Mesmo se você não sabe falar inglês, existem muitas alternativas pra entender o que cada botão faz. Pelo menos aqui no Brasil, usamos muitas expressões que vieram do inglês, então imagino que se você está inserido em uma comunidade de mods que fala em espanhol, terá expressões em inglês que todos que lerem a mensagem consigam entender. E se estiver tendo muita dificuldade, eu recomendo usar o Google Tradutor do celular, já usei pra decifrar texto escrito em grego quando eu mudei a lingua do discord sem querer. Se eles traduzissem o Mod Manager pra espanhol(ou qualquer outra língua), ainda não seria o suficiente pois todas as pastas e arquivos do FIFA são escritos em inglês, no estado atual das ferramentas pra se criar mods, traduzi-las seria um esforço desnecessário. Se tivéssemos algo parecido com o Creation Master, aí sim traduzir seria uma boa.
não escreve bosta cara. não é isso que ele quer saber. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  • Wow
Reactions: bbL


Club Supporter
Hi, it looks like FIFA editor tool does not allow import of new files. I can't find any way to do an import of new assets. It only imports existing ones to replace them.
Is there any trick to do an import of new ones?
Screenshot 2021-08-03 214436.png


Club Supporter
Hey there!
So, I was editing a file and saved it as a .fifaproject file, as I wanted to continue working on it today. I mainly imported new textures in the data explorer. After every import, I hit Ctrl+S to save. When the work was done, I clicked File -> Save as well and thought thats it.
When I loaded up my saved file today, all the imported textures have become undone and I can start importing them all over again. Is there a bug with the saving not working or have I done anything wrong? How can I safe a file to be able to work on them in more then one session?
As I'm working on a bigger modpack a solution is absolutely required, as I'm not able to do it all in one session and keep my Computer running for multiple days...

FIFA Editor Tool

Club Supporter
Hey there!
So, I was editing a file and saved it as a .fifaproject file, as I wanted to continue working on it today. I mainly imported new textures in the data explorer. After every import, I hit Ctrl+S to save. When the work was done, I clicked File -> Save as well and thought thats it.
When I loaded up my saved file today, all the imported textures have become undone and I can start importing them all over again. Is there a bug with the saving not working or have I done anything wrong? How can I safe a file to be able to work on them in more then one session?
As I'm working on a bigger modpack a solution is absolutely required, as I'm not able to do it all in one session and keep my Computer running for multiple days...
The tool couldn't possibly cause that issue, it's something on your side

FIFA Editor Tool

Club Supporter
We have a basic data explorer working for FIFA 22 with RES/CHUNK and InitFS functionality. So we can view Textures from the game (perhaps other formats too). EBX format is the same as Madden 22 so no EBX or Legacy yet, nor Type Info, but we can get that when the game is released.

In theory, launching the game with changes should be pretty straightforward, but we will find out on the 22nd.





FIFA Editor Tool

Club Supporter
We generated an SDK which lets us view type info & made some progress on EBX, so we can now view TextureAssets in their native previewer.

Oh, and we can do basic texture mods too! Launching the game with modified changes is now supported.




Youth Team
How do I import a tattoo skin I created in photoshop? FIFA 21. Thanks :)
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