Senior Squad
It is surely fixed because the Cup competition has a completely new format in Volume 2. Thanks for the report.
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virtual_razvan;3081682 said:Continuă să te cerţi şi să te ironizezi singur, domnule Tătăruşanu, şi poate învăţaţi să ieşiţi la centrări odată şi odată. Sunt sigur că atunci ofertele din străinătate vor curge.
Continue this yourself, mister Tatarusanu, and exercise the crosses.
We still have some places for BETA Testing, about 5 of the slots were occupied yesterday. Remember: PM me.
NeKo00;3085653 said:=)))). Cat de penibil poti fi, acum oferi lectii de fotbal? Tu oferi lectii de fotbal cand nici macar nu poti fi indiferent? Cum te astepti sa ia lumea patch-ul cand este facut de un dinamovist care si critica echipele adverse. Macar aici puteti spala rusinea din Europa.
You need to add "Piticul Porno" as Balgradean's nickname.
cristinel12;3085675 said:Stai linistit ca este cine sa ia patchu nu trebuie sa il iei tu.Daca nu iti convine nul te obliga Shifty*eni.
NeKo00;3085698 said:M-ai convins.
@virtualrazvan: I'm not searching for flame, i'm just full of some bull****s, i never asked for Steaua or for another team to have a bigger overall, I just asked for the people who are creating this patch to stop supporting a team on this thread.
Vreau doar sa ramaneti impartiali, atata cer, de dragul patch-ului. Daca aceasta ura nu ar mai exista, probabil ar lua toata lumea patch-ul, inclusiv eu si alte persoane care nu tin cu Dinamo.
Merdiso;3085810 said:Gabriel Torje (Dinamo Bucharest) will come back from the first beat of our award-winning patch.
regularcat;3085912 said:what awards did this patch win ?
i think you might be hyping this just a little too much.
im gonna call you flava flav, the greatest hype man of all time.
FCDinamo;3085899 said:@NeKo00
ESTI DOAR UN ONANIST SPURCAT CARE ISI PIERDE TIMPU' PE AICI FARA SA AIBA O VIATA PERSONALA...daca nu il vrei ca e facut de un dinamovist nul lua...o sa fie 24.999 downloaduri...mare pierdere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mIHAI~2ocm~;3086284 said:That's merdiso, you can't stop him from being so hyperbolic, he is enjoying his promoter job, and the patch had't won any award yet. Maybe just that is the only full romanian league patch at the moment.