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YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!


Staff member
Super Moderator
I don't remember you, did you change your username?
You would have mostly been in the FM Forum, Real Life Football forum and Lounge, whereas Fede (his old user name) was in FIFA forums editing mostly.

I posted less than both of you, but across all of the above at different times

Joe Star

Starting XI
A nostalgia trip brought me back here after years. Haven't posted anything since 2006 & the last I logged in was 2017 & I can't even recall why.

What happened to this forum? It used to be so vibrant. Seems completely dead now by the looks of it.

The FIFA download center is gone too?


Staff member
Damn you Sir_Didier_Drogba, you never added me to the Facebook group, you fuck


Staff member
Why does it change c a l u m n to sir didier automatically, this feels like Azzrael's big brother reign of terror years back


Staff member
I feel like an old vampire going through his empty castle in these forgotten forums.