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YESSSSSSS!!!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!!



England 3, Sweden 2
World Cup Final 2010
A 118th minute GOLDEN GOAL wins me my first World Cup EVER in CM and England's first since 1966.


uuh.......I don't know?

Great news.........too bad it will never happen! Sweden? England in a final of anything?
Well I shouldn't say "never!"
Maybe one day England will win on penalties in a crucial match or not throw games away on stupidity!


Well, it's about bloody time Shearer!!!

I recently took over England when it looked like they wouldn't qualify for Euro2004... well, we qualified and went all the way to the finals beating Italy and Holland on the way, but lost to the Ruskies in the final 2-1. Disappointing to lose, but considering the team's state before I came, well I am pleased.

The U21 is amazing, and they would come into full effect right around 2010... Shearer - what did your team look like??? Did u have Ashley Cole, Simon Johnson, Jermaine Pennant, Joe Cole, Adam Murray, Francis Jeffers, Jamie McMaster??? ****in great youngsters I tell you!

And I don't know what it is with CM and those Scandinavian teams, especially Sweden and Denmark.... their youngsters are all class!!


You probably won't have heard of many of these players....they are 22/23 in 2010 which makes them 13 in 2000!

GK Alan Sutton (Chelsea) (Just made #1 keeper over aging Richard Wright of Man Utd.)

DL Robert Beard (Newcastle) (A former West Ham trainee I groomed during my nine years at Newcastle. KILLER left foot.)

DC Terry Young (Leeds Utd) (Young SC & DC that is always successful in the EPL. 23. I usually overlook him, but he was good.)

DC Carl Anthony (Man Utd) (Fast and only 19. He didn't play in any of my group matches, but I pick him for the final due to injury & fatigue. C'est la vie.)

DR James Clarke (Celtic) (He has near perfect stats. 20s EVERYWHERE when I bought him. And I found him in the Chelsea reserves when he was 17. Bought him for Newcastle. BIG HIT. 7.80 average game. When I resigned from Newcastle and went to Lazio, my predecessor Martin O'Neill sold him to Celtic. He, incidently, was the chap who I let take the penalty.)

DMC David Wright (Celtic) Veteran of my regime. He plays for Crewe Alexandre in real life, but he is the team captain of Celtic in my game. Not brilliant stats, but consistent 8s.

MC Scott Parker (Man Utd) Skipper at Man U. Played only one group match, but played in the final. VERY VERY GOOD two years ago. Faded a bit.

MC Carl Frost (Tottenham) My original choice for this position is an 18 year old wonderboy and my last purchase at Newcastle called Sean Morgan. But he was injured in the Quarters against Brazil. So Frost earned his 4th cap of my regime in the Semis and Final. Didn't have a good game.

AMC Joe Cole (Newcastle) Veteran of Sven & my sides. He is the best player in England at the moment.

SC Alan Smith (Real Madrid) Top Scorer of the World Cup. I alternated him with Daniel Nardiello of M'gladerbach. The English top scorer of the Bundeslegia.

SC (C) Michael Owen (AC Milan) He is paired with Hernan Crespo at Milan. Causes hell for me as Lazio manager. Scored twice in the World Cup final.

Other noteables...

Jonanthon Bewers (Ipswich)
Leon Taylor (Anderlecht)
Sean Morgan (Newcastle)
Byron Bubb (Newcastle)
Perry Taylor (West Ham)
Richard Wright (Man U)
Alan Marriot (Tottenham)
Philip Robinson (Numanica)
Gary Miller (Arsenal)
David Prutton (Fulham)


BTW, Jamie McMaster is very good.

But he unfortunetly plays for a certain red & white team from the North East. And is thus, ineligable to play for England. It was a new rule I created.

(On another not those SMBs (Sad Mackem Bastards for those that dont speak Geordie) won the FA Cup in 2006...AND GOT RELEGATED TO DIV 1 THE SAME YEAR!


<font face="Arial" size="2">Originally posted by a_shearer09:
BTW, Jamie McMaster is very good.

But he unfortunetly plays for a certain red & white team from the North East. And is thus, ineligable to play for England. It was a new rule I created.

That is hilarious!!! In certain games, I've been told, McMaster is one of the best mids in the game!!!!!! SMB!!



Thats the best part!!! Monkeey's Heed is currently managing...wait for it...a mid table club in the N. Irish Premiership!

Mick Adams was in charge. Followed by Mick Moody.

In 2010 S'lun are Div 1 mid table fodder at best. Probably going down to Div 2 since Moody has been sacked.

Newcastle, meanwhile, have countless titles, trophies, and cups. I resigned after winning the treble....again. It got boring. My replacement, Martin O'Neill won the league again.


Umm funny but in my current FAPLM game Russkies also won the 2004 Euro, and they beat Sweden in the final!


Make America Great Again
I'm at the end of the 2003 and Sven got sacked after failing to qualify for Euro 2004. Should have been sacked after not qualifying for WC 2002. But unfortunately the damn FA didn't offer me the job. Even after winning the league twice out of the last three years with Liverpool. But the worst part about not getting the job was the fact that it went to Nicky Law, who was the Leicester manager for a few years. Now he is a COACH at HULL!! How did he get the job over me, the only coach with a worse reputation than Sir Alex in England!

Oh, and Shearer, the Mackems got a second place finish last year but were eliminated from the CL post haste, and then subsequently were eliminated by Spurs in the UEFA Cup. Spurs are good because they have Buffon.

And Newcastle. A great team, but are always underachieving. They have great attackers like, Cort, Greening, Tommy Smith, Acuna, Lua-Lua, and Par Zetterberg. All are great.

And my favorite part of the season, so hilarious. Arse-anal fired Wenger and so I applied for the job. They then offered me the position, and I turned the Gunners down! Then inexplicably, they went and hired Wenger back! I guess they just fired him to try and get me


Staff member
Super Moderator
Originally posted by a_shearer09
BTW, Jamie McMaster is very good.

But he unfortunetly plays for a certain red & white team from the North East. And is thus, ineligable to play for England. It was a new rule I created.

(On another not those SMBs (Sad Mackem Bastards for those that dont speak Geordie) won the FA Cup in 2006...AND GOT RELEGATED TO DIV 1 THE SAME YEAR!

haha well he should have know to stay at Leeds..or better yet, he should have aligned himslef with his nationality, not his grandpa's...Australia!
He is a good player though..
I was looking for Owen and Smith, I knew theyd have to be in there.
What about Michael Bridges? did he get a look in? Also did Australia qualify for the World Cup? THey won it in 2002, and 2006 with me at the helm..


Staff member
Super Moderator
yeah its very rare national teams offer u a job. Especially if ur already at a club..dont know why.
Ur better off to start at a nation, and earn ur club, but its much more boring. Or use a save game editor, if ur a cheater, which im proud to say, im not.


Staff member
Super Moderator
hehe...sometimes i sit bored, and think...hmmm, i might search for some specific things. I was searching for people speaking of Jamie McMaster in this case, and thats how i came upon it..:p


Staff member
Super Moderator
Originally posted by hermolt
I vote we ban all the Australians..damned bunch of rabble rousers..:D
Ill 2nd that notion :D