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Why this game is still one big mistake



The game support is terible.
There is even no official website.The only
patch is not good enough.
About the game:Shooting is very poor.
Heading for me is a big mystery.
Tackling isn't very good.
Passing is alright.
The players are very small.
There is no real challenge.

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Bushemy ]


Reserve Team
The game support is terible.
- strongly disagree

There is even no official website.
- well there is...but there's not (know what i mean) Yeah that could have been improved. Somethign to do for next time. I bet this game would have been more popular if the official site had screenshots, tech specs, videos etc..

The only patch is not good enough.
- Strongly disagree, the patch fixed MANY bugs, and improved the game in many areas

About the game:Shooting is very poor.
- I strongly disagree

Heading for me is a big mystery.
- yep i agree, it is a mystery for me too

Tackling isn't very good.
- i disagree, it requires skill, you not only have to time your tackle, but point in the right direction , unlike FIFA which is totally scripted and fake

Passing is alright.
- it sure is

The players are very small.
- and...?

There is no real challenge.
- i disagree

Why not check out my site?

SCTW www.wishlist.gq.nu
Well, they stopped making patches for us.(busy with making another game?) Let's hope an editor will come out soon. Go to soccered.com to see an editor's screenshot from a mystery guy. The game is good, but i think it needs more patches.


Starting XI
Yea.......I wonder who that mystery guy is.......

MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA. *zip* mmmmph mpphm mphmp!
Originally posted by Joe:
<STRONG>Yea.......I wonder who that mystery guy is.......

MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA. *zip* mmmmph mpphm mphmp!</STRONG>

/me slaps Joe around with a large trout. Stop that, i know what you mean. ;)


I'll say again:
The game support is terrible.
NO official website.
I'm playing this game directly with the patch
and I don't know how it was but now I see
a lot of bugs.
Heading and the long pass(air) are mystery.
There is a big difference between the medium
and hard modes.

I just know little english dude.


Starting XI
You should learn other words besides "dude". Just a thought. Nonetheless, your opinion is your opinion, but as SCTW was saying there may be something for the game soon.....