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Which player is better?


Team Captain
the Polish one, no doubt about it... better finishing, better dribbling, better technique, good long shots... is this guy a regen? cuz if he isnt, I'd like a piece of him :D


Youth Team
he's not a regen

his name is "Jaroslaw Piatkowski"

you need polish league loaded to get him because he is polish lower division

he starts out on a team named "Siarka"

i think some of his stats might be random, however i got his name from a polish cm web site so the overall quality remains, i got him when he was 20 and he starts out in the game when 18 so i missed a lot of development time and he had a lot of 9's that went up to 10's and 11's pretty rapidly

i am asking this because i need a new striker and these are the two candidates, i already have the first guy and could sign the second unless i withdraw the transfer


The polish one looks like a very good prospect, the uruagyan bloke doesn't look half bad either.


Youth Team
so, i got 3 good prospect strikers, 1 striker that is already a first team regular and the Uruguayan guy that i am about to sign

my starting 11 is already set for the next season except for 1 striker spot, i play 442

there is lots of games to be played so i can have some rotation


Youth Team
my team already is crowded with good strikers

i got 2 more prospects + a guy that is a fan favorite and always starts