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Robson Mambrini
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  • Bir sorumluluk var, fifa 15'te lig yapıyorum, kariyere katılıyor, beni oyundan atıyor
    çözümü biliyor musun?
    Robson Mambrini
    Robson Mambrini
    O don´t understand you!
    in fifa 15 I am doing African leagues I can't enter the career please tell me there is a solution
    hello my friend, if it is possible you can update the arena in pernambuco and make these three stadiums the stadium Antônio Inácio de Souza de Caruaru, stadium Paulo Coelho de Petrolina and municipal stadium Lindolfo Monteiro de Teresina.
    Fala Robson me tire um duvida,estou fazendo um mod pra fifa 14 mais focado no Brasil e tem alguns campeonato Estaduais, a possibilidade de começar em janeiro sem afetar as outras competições!
    Hello Robson wanted ↓ to ask you how to set the start year of the season in fife because in Creation Master without modification I have 2014 and I would like to set 2018 or 2019
    Robson Mambrini
    Robson Mambrini
    It would be in the cmsettings file that is inside the DLC / dlc_FootballCompEng / data folder. The file is editable by Notepad and inside you will find the command line CALSTART_YEAR = ????, and the questions are the due year of the career start. Try to change, save the file and regenerate.
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