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SimIT! Stadiums Convertion


Club Supporter
Here it goes Guys,

Sydney Olympic Stadium

Used in the Sydney 2000 Olympics, very good memories of it. Converted from PES6, but I had to make a lot of roof adjustments for the external view.

The stadium was really huge, more than 100k crowd, so I had to insert a lot of press tribunes because of 65k FIFA 16 crowd limit. I hope you guys enjoy.

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fifa16 2023-01-13 19-29-32.jpg

Hey everybody, does someone know how can I convert a fifa 14 stadium to fifa 16??

I'd like to convert Municipal de Anduva and El Plantio from Masterleo10
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Club Supporter
It looks excellent as usual. IMO you should think about making one from scratch, because you look ready to do so :)
Thanks mate. I ve been thinking about this, but I would have to do some modelling 3D training. Maybe its something I would like to try.


Club Supporter
USA - Hard Rock Stadium Miami

One more stadium for the World Cup 2026. Like a said, not all stadiums can be converted from Madden, some are lacking of parts or with parts in the wrong places.

So for this one I had to mixed up the PES6 version with Madden 22 version. I'm really happy with the result.

Credits for World Stadium PES6 guys, @dandro , matupale and dragger

I hope you guys enjoy.

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