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  • Humbertoaze, Friend, I have some stadiums, where the crowd has few fans, several empty spaces, how do I add fans to this stadium?
    If the stadium has empty seats means that crowd is set to Be empty on those places, you have to edit in Blender adressing this tô home or away
    I don't know how to edit stadiums, I'm looking for tutorials for that, I don't know how to carry out this action in the blend, one of the stadiums I mentioned was this one, in the blend it shows that it is complete, and in the game small audiences appear. Would you help me?
    Download Blender 2.71, download Importer / exporter for FIFA 15, install it. Import the crowd in Blender, select all the faces and assign as home or away. Its not simple like that, but its not difficult also, you will get it
    Humberto, vc chegou a baixar o Fifa 16 ANT patch 2018 do Fabrizzio ?
    Se sim, consegue me mandar os links por favor
    Opa, não tenho não.
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