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SG's Ultimate Draft Challenge 2016


Make America Great Again
I swear, you take vacations that a typical Vietnamese rice farmer would take.

And that's not just America. That's the entire developed world plus. I had a friend that got 4G in Kandahar, Afghanistan through T-Mobile.

Sir Didier Drogba

Head Official
They may have 3G but what use is that? do you have any idea what non eu roaming charges are like? do you expect me to buy a local phone just to play draft?


Staff member
We should definitely wait for Juventino, what's the rush? Pretty sure he wouldn't be asking us to postpone this if he had a way to participate, also he's a valuable member of this community and deserves it.


Staff member
Sir Didier Drogba;3989249 said:
why don't you play but we give you a short clock? then you c an PM picks and if you can't keep on top of it you won't disrupt anyone. worse that can happen is you end up with a shitty team?
That definitely sounds fair to you guys, but if I can't be on top of it I won't enjoy it. I feel it's in the spirit of the Draft to play to win. If I can't be on top of it and end up with a shitty team (which is very likely, especially with a short clock) I wouldn't want to play, it'd feel pointless to me.

Thank you Massive! I do believe I deserve some credit. I'd play if I feel I could. I even ran the voting stage multiple times, I've paid my dues. ;) If it really is too much trouble, it's just unfortunate timing.