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SG's Ultimate Draft Challenge 2016


Oh and tits.
Yeah, I do log in pretty often but the lack of activity and interesting stuff keeps me from posting here. And of course, the train wreck of a season we've had. Absolutely fucked my enthusiasm for football. If we don't sort it out this summer its very likely I'll take a pretty big break from all things football.

Oh and I'm in for the draft!
The main reason I posted in this thread is to bring SG out from the dead. Usually we wouldn't bring up the draft this early.

People like Mustica or Filipowder have not posted in ages.

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Sir Didier Drogba

Head Official
but don't you see, if y"all posted when you came it would be active enough for you to want to post.

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Make America Great Again
Pogba4Now;3987585 said:
The main reason I posted in this thread is to bring SG out from the dead. Usually we wouldn't bring up the draft this early.

People like Mustica or Filipowder have not posted in ages.

I'd be shocked if Fili ever came back. Mus will probably check in.


Starting XI
Why do we have to wait 13 more days for one last game that won't change anything anyway?

At least open a "sign up/discussion" thread to know for sure how many we are.


Staff member
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to participate the week after the CL final, I'm going on a holiday. From June 11th or so I'd be fine to play.
Yes that's bullshit. The draft has nothing to do with the CL final. The CL final won't change the way we pick players.

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