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saul.silva's stadiums

CHN - Huangpu Stadium https://www.mediafire.com/file/qafbq6wewy9u5cn/CHN+-+Huangpu+Stadium.zip/file
Stadium located in Guangzhou with capacity for approximately 12000 fans. It's the home of the former Guangdong Sunray Cave and is Guangzhou's fourth stadium available for FIFA 16. Converted from PES 2021.
BRA - Itabunão https://www.mediafire.com/file/pvkkl8rshygw6gy/BRA+-+Itabunão.zip/file
en: One of the biggest stadiums in Bahia, where Itabuna plays, a traditional team promoted this season to the first division of the Bahia Championship. Made from scratch.
pt: Um dos maiores estádios da Bahia, onde joga o Itabuna, tradicional time promovido nessa temporada para a primeira divisão do Campeonato Baiano. Feito do zero.

hello my friend, if it is possible you can update the arena in pernambuco and make these three stadiums the stadium Antônio Inácio de Souza de Caruaru, stadium Paulo Coelho de Petrolina and municipal stadium Lindolfo Monteiro de Teresina.
BRA - Barradão https://www.mediafire.com/file/zzhj7qvkwx1j0xr/BRA_-_Barrad%C3%A3o.zip/file
BRA - Barradão - Full https://www.mediafire.com/file/76jo8j71284u9wn/BRA_-_Barrad%C3%A3o_-_Full.zip/file
BRA - Barradão - 20% https://www.mediafire.com/file/rp2pyv94jxt3rv3/BRA_-_Barrad%C3%A3o_-_20%25.zip/file
The home of EC Vitória, one of biggest and most successfull clubs in Northeast of Brazil. Here you have three versions, one for normal matches, one with full crowd and another with only 20% of the fans in the stands.

just like real life. congratulations on the job