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  1. P

    New stadiums mods ?

    Hi every one ! Just asking a simple question, as I don't manage to find the answer by shearching on this forum as on the web generally speaking : Do some stadiums packs/mods exist for EA FC 24 (or already 25) ? A lot of stadiums where made for previous FIFA's versions (almost every stadium of...
  2. A

    Stadiums for Fifa 22

    Hi ! I recently came bakc from Fifa 16 where i had a lot of leagues and a lot of custom stadiums. I know that there's only 1 stadium mod for Fifa 22 which is the Camp Nou mod. Do you know how we could add custom stadiums to the game ? If the creator of the Camp Nou mod did it, that mean that...
  3. gabrimo

    Stadium cameras .dat files convertion

    So, play with custom stadiums in the game is awesome, but that camera issue during replays and intros always bugged me. That's why I started to try to figure out a solution to this. I know some have tried already, but after some research on this forum I didn't find much about these previous...
  4. E

    unlock and assign stadium australia and qatar stadiums

    Could someone help me to be able to unlock the Australia stadium and the Qatar stadiums to be able to assign them to a club and that these be their default local stadium?
  5. Agustín.Ziro

    Ids Stadiums?

    Hello, I need the list of stadiums with their ids and the ids that do not have stadiums, does anyone have it?
  6. L

    Converting stadiums from FIFA 14 to pes 2021

    Hello, this is my first message here. have been trying for some time now, but have not managed, to convert 2 stadiums from FIFA 14 to pes 2021. I have also planned to update the textures and models for PES2021, as I have always wanted to play a football game with stadiums from my home country...
  7. V.K

    Stadium Packs Unification [Discussion]

    Hi all! And primarily @GIGGIRIVA @Harry BullZak @valambrosio2 @Skoczek @ovide As you know stadium packs for FIFA 14 these days can take up to 35-40 GB. That means ~100 GB for anyone using CP, FIP, FNT, etc. at the same time. However, vast majority of those stadiums are the same, just with...
  8. V

    STADIUMS Olympic games 52 to 20 THREAD

    Hi guys I’m here to ask you some help with some stadiums for the Olympic games patch from 52 to 2020 here is the link: https://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/olympic-games-mod-1952-from-2020-thread-fifa-16-classic-patch.6470768/ So some of these stadiums doesn’t even exist anymore so if...
  9. V.K

    Unique Stadiums Preservation Thread

    Hey all. I am posting some old/unique but bugged/incomplete stadiums we have, maybe and hopefully someone would be interested in converting/fixing/bringing them to a playable state (F14/F16) due to their one-of-a-kind nature. @gonzaga @saul.silva @Masterleo10 @humbertoaze @kotiara6863...
  10. Ziro Free

    River Plate Stadium Monumental Update?

    someone who updates the River plate stadium (the monumental one) without the "athletics track" and with its canvases "as in the images?
  11. Ziro Free

    Tigre Stadium Fifa 14?

    Does anyone have the Tigre stadium for fifa 14? I can't find it anywhere
  12. Ziro Free

    FIFA 14 Stadiums Argentina

    Anyone who has stadiums in Argentina to download?
  13. D

    PES 6 Stadium Conversions

    Hi All, I'm new to stadiums and I have browsed the web countless hours in search of tool/guides/tutorials etc. I have managed to export pes 6 stadiums etc. but where are the crowd files located for these stadiums as the stadiums are all empty when exported? There are crowd files in .str file...
  14. Dmitri

    OTools - import/export O/FSH files

    Otools is a tool for importing/exporting EA model format (.o). O is a file extension in EA Sports games which is used for model and animation files. The file may contain model data, skeleton information, animations, rendering information and shaders. O files were used mostly in games developed...
  15. I

    What the name of stadium before play match in fifa 18?

    Hi everyone. Does anyone know the name of stadium before play match in fifa 18? Stadium Thank so much....
  16. fachis46

    Turned crowd, SOLVED..Hinchas rotados resuelto

    Voy a explicarlo en Español, Ingles y Portugues...la imagen estará debajo de la explicación. I will explain it in Spanish, English and Portuguese.. the image is below the explanation. Vou explicar em espanhol, inglês e português ...a imagem está abaixo da explicação. Español:::: Vista 3d...
  17. D

    there is any new with stadiums?

    hello peoples, Is there any breakthrough with program that help upload stadium model in the game? why at least 2 years there is no new about it?
  18. J

    Creation Master 16- Installed new stadiums on fifa 16 but can't play at night

    Hi everyone, I added new stadiums to my fifa 16 with Creation Master and they are working but i can't play at night . If i choose to play a match at 22:00 , the game will start in day too. Do you know any way to fix that? Best Regards
  19. Benya100

    Benya's Fixed Faces (Shiny Hair Issue)

    Hi I will post here FIFA 14 faces with the shiny hair issue fixed Credits of this fix goes to @Wall
  20. fujimaru911

    PES 2019 | Around CAMP NOU Stadium Details with Nvidia Ansel | Fujimarupes

    PES 2019 | Around CAMP NOU Stadium Details with Nvidia Ansel | Fujimarupes I make videos game tribute/ montage... special PES & FIFA. Hope u like my video and will suport me. Thank You :D Like - Share - Comment - SUBSCRIBE if u like my video. :D