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RIP: Jeremy Beadle


Senior Squad
When my mate told me the news I thought he was having me on... what a legend, his prank show Beadle's About used to be quality!! Didn't know he'd been suffering from pneumonia these last few years :(

RIP :(


Senior Squad
You wouldn't have heard of him Jahan!

Anyone remember when Beadle used to do You've Been Framed? It used to be good, til some knob in ITV decided to replace him with that fat munter off Emmerdale. Don't think Beadle was on television much after that, apart from the odd appearance on some other shows here and there.

Jambo Den

Fan Favourite
I've heard Jeremy Beadle had a big dick, but on the other hand it was massive...

Oh I'm going on a Concorde to Hell (6)

Jambo Den

Fan Favourite
Actually I feel bad now, I've just started reading about the huge amount of charity work he did for all sorts of causes. Good on the man...

But I can't help finding this hilarious :(



Senior Squad
Denis! (H)

Anyway who are people going to expect to walk in now when they're the victim of a prank? I bet at his funeral he'll will pop out of his coffin in some dodgy disguise and holding a microphone, and all the pall bearers will be on Beadle's About. :D

OK OK I'm sorry, but blame Jambo he started it! :X

Sir Calumn

To be honest I always hated him, his shows and thought he was a complete prick.

Still, I'd seen so little of him I never ever realised he had a retarded hand, so shows what I know.

RIP I guess

Sir Calumn

By the way Denis on your controller picture it implies his right hand is the crippled one yet your cement star implies the left....... I thought they were really quite funny until I realised that but now they have lost all credibility........ please keep your jokes more consistant in future :jambo:

The Don't

Starting XI
Sir Sir_Didier_Drogba;2477419 said:
yet your cement star implies the left....... I thought they were really quite funny until I realised that but now they have lost all credibility........ please keep your jokes more consistant in future :jambo:

They're his feet.

Jambo Den

Fan Favourite
Sir Sir_Didier_Drogba;2477419 said:
By the way Denis on your controller picture it implies his right hand is the crippled one yet your cement star implies the left....... I thought they were really quite funny until I realised that but now they have lost all credibility........ please keep your jokes more consistant in future :jambo:

You get a good grade in a Logic class and it goes to your head...

You don't need a class to know that Morrissey is a breast implant!


Senior Squad
I hear that Beadle is going to be cremated and it'll be on video, sent in to You've Been Flamed. I wonder if his family will get £250 for the clip? There's also going to be a minute's silence in his memory, that'll be at 12pm, when the big hand touches the little hand.

OK OK I know, below the belt (H)

*awaits torment of abuse from angry people*