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Programs & Files [tokke001]

Hello, can anyone help me with my locker room. I want my player has hand band while he wear tight long sleeve shirt but game has limit it when I wear this shirt. So I want know how to unlock it and my player look like this. Thanks !

Screenshot 2024-09-22 000322.png
hello, sorry for the inconvenience, can you have all the faces of FO4 in every variant? I've been looking for the ones in the video posted by Vndrew for years. Not so much to insert them in patches where I have good coverage but to have them in the archive. A model, a hairstyle can be the basis for any alternative version of both the player himself to whom the files belong but also to create new faces. If it were possible I would be grateful!

I don't have the files even to look for them. I only have the textures. There should be safe and no alternative versions for giggs keane, neville, baresi, shearer, Van der sar, and maybe even Van Basten and I think even giggs at the end of his career.

Hi Giggiriva, i need bald Cantona textures for fifa12/13, can u convert it?

FC Online 4 Files - Generic heads '23-24​

because generic head types cant be converted from FC 24,
i extracted them from FC online 4 (fifa online 4)

Generic head types extracted from FC online 4 :
* Vietnam version
* '23-24

* All male generic types available at FC24 are included, except type '30'
* Some female types are found
* original FC online 4 files


Hi bro the link is for a 22-23 head, is it for a 23-24 head?

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Question: I want to recolour kitnumbers matching teamkits values.

I've done this before but I can't remember what the original texture name should be. The default name is 'numbers_262_0_color.png'

Can someone help me out, and tell me what the filename should be, please?


Senior Squad
Question: I want to recolour kitnumbers matching teamkits values.

I've done this before but I can't remember what the original texture name should be. The default name is 'numbers_262_0_color.png'

Can someone help me out, and tell me what the filename should be, please?
With newest version i updated it:
U can just use the naming from fifa editor tool, when u extracted the fc24/25 numbers

No edits needed

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
With newest version i updated it:
U can just use the naming from fifa editor tool, when u extracted the fc24/25 numbers

No edits needed
Okay, I finally worked out what was going wrong. On the third step after clicking 'Color RGB' there is an optional step to select .rx3. If I click 'Ok' it runs without error, and says it is done, but nothing is created. This happens regardless of whether I have .rx3 files or not.

If I click 'Cancel' it colours the .png files.

I am happy with that behaviour, but if you could fix it so that the colours are created after clicking 'Ok' and rx3 is populated that would be great.

One suggestion that would be useful is if the programme can read a table column named 'competitionid' in the teamkits.txt. This will change the generic '0' to a relevant ID.
For example:
Default = specifickitnumbers_1_1_0_0.rx3
competitionid version for EPL = specifickitnumbers_1_1_13_0.rx3
Okay, I finally worked out what was going wrong. On the third step after clicking 'Color RGB' there is an optional step to select .rx3. If I click 'Ok' it runs without error, and says it is done, but nothing is created. This happens regardless of whether I have .rx3 files or not.

If I click 'Cancel' it colours the .png files.

I am happy with that behaviour, but if you could fix it so that the colours are created after clicking 'Ok' and rx3 is populated that would be great.

One suggestion that would be useful is if the programme can read a table column named 'competitionid' in the teamkits.txt. This will change the generic '0' to a relevant ID.
For example:
Default = specifickitnumbers_1_1_0_0.rx3
competitionid version for EPL = specifickitnumbers_1_1_13_0.rx3
Please any New update


Senior Squad
Okay, I finally worked out what was going wrong. On the third step after clicking 'Color RGB' there is an optional step to select .rx3. If I click 'Ok' it runs without error, and says it is done, but nothing is created. This happens regardless of whether I have .rx3 files or not.

If I click 'Cancel' it colours the .png files.

I am happy with that behaviour, but if you could fix it so that the colours are created after clicking 'Ok' and rx3 is populated that would be great.
It is bit made complicated, yes :
"Selecting .rx3 files" is that u can select kit rx3 files,
That way only kitnumbers are made for the kits u select there

if u select cancel, the full teamkits table is generated

One suggestion that would be useful is if the programme can read a table column named 'competitionid' in the teamkits.txt. This will change the generic '0' to a relevant ID.
For example:
Default = specifickitnumbers_1_1_0_0.rx3
competitionid version for EPL = specifickitnumbers_1_1_13_0.rx3
I cant remember,
Newer fifas have a competitionid in the teamkits table?
Or u suggest adding that column yourself?

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
I cant remember,
Newer fifas have a competitionid in the teamkits table?
Or u suggest adding that column yourself?
Yes, in the newer FIFA/FC there is a separate table for 'competitionkits'. It's really useful, and a few years ago I used it even for user-generated numbers.
Were Joao Amaral and Rafał Pietrzak in FIFA Online 4?
I thought that yes, but I can't find a pack with them

Edit: Amaral is not, Voleck made Joao Amaral
Pietrzak is not as well, one we have was made by Ealixo
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