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PES6 Gems_Classic Brazil Edition


Senior Squad
Hi guys !!

Well, after the gr8 response to my "PES6 Gems_The Return" compi, i decided to make a new one ...this compi was made in two days ...its a quick compilation comprising goals scored using Classic Brazil from 24th March to 1st April....its 5 min long 40 MB and in very good quality !



youtube is under maintainence atm so will give a stream link later....till then i recommend to download it

Enjoy and i await ur feedback



Youth Team
Wow :P You got the powwa :bouncy:

Good comp, but use more effect for the text. (End and so one is bad :$ )

I love it. Be my brother. Give me more of these goals.


Senior Squad
hehe thanx soovija :D

yeah i know m crap with the text stuff :(....this was a really quick made compi so didnt bother much with the text...took me 2 days (read 8 hours in all) to make it

btw, the HD kits r workin :rockman:...they r amazin m8...thanx so much

Also, do u have a complete HD kit pack for kitserver ?


Youth Team
I have lots of them ?

What team HD kits do you want.

I have all EPL , almost all Serie A, others and so one.


Senior Squad
EPL HD kits will be gr8....can u give them 5 teams at a time cos m on a dial up and it will take some time to download :(...plus do have a stadium pack (small one)...i have the EPL stadium pack (done my mIGUEL) already and i want some more stadiums...if u have it, plz give a download link....u can pm me if u want



Club Supporter
Sorry Soovija do you have the kit of Parma season 05/06 for kitserver 6.5.1,i really like it.If you have it please send me the link.
Thank you so much.