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Osama bin Laden


Reserve Team
The only way to end his madness is to eliminate him off the face of the earth - sad but true. If he gets away with this (assuming he is responsible for the WTC attack) he will continue on his rampage. He should be given the death penalty, or a lifetime prison sentence with no parole.

The Don't

Starting XI
Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden.
It's not hard to forget his name is it.. it's quite easy as all I do is think of trash, rubbish, crap and litter.
That reminds me then bin Laden.
He's the most evil, greedy, bastard on Earth and us Europeans hate him.
He doesn't deserve to be here on Earth, and doesn't deserve to be alive after what he's done.
The sooner the worthless, disgusting lump of **** is hung, drawn and quartered the better.
Then finishd off by setting him alight and throwing him from an 80 storey building.
How would he like it................?


Reserve Team
Killing Ben Laden would just make him a marthyr. The only thing that would really hurt them is to lock him up for good in a hi-security US jail.


Youth Team
If it was Gotsum Bin Liners they will get him one way or another, and I am sure there will be many to take his place.

The hatred has to end sometime, and the root causes need to be addressed.

[= SAM =]

Youth Team
Yeah don't kill him just make a new prison just for him and torture him for the rest of his life. There's a 5 million dollar's on his head right now.

Edward_ Black

SCTW:> .. 'I know it may seem long, but it's worth the read.'

Many thanks for that link, now i am better informed about this man and his beliefs and policy, he is an unrelenting hard liner with fanatical followers who will die and kill for there jaded cause and only see life through there own point of view .. and it would now seem that the terrible events from the past few days are far from over, which is a shocking thing to even contemplate, let's all hope that common sense and the belief in humanity prevails ..

Ned .. 'shattered'


Staff member
Originally posted by [= SAM =]:
<STRONG>Yeah don't kill him just make a new prison just for him and torture him for the rest of his life. There's a 5 million dollar's on his head right now.</STRONG>

I second that!
We don't need to kill him. We just need to lock him up and torture him!

Ubik Valis

Croatian Viking
Why are people beeing so ignorant, if we give bin Laden the death penalty, then we are no better then him.....!?!?! :rolleyes:

Stevie B

Senior Squad
You're right again, Dragan. Osama bin Laden does not force people to die for his beliefs, they do it willingly. Lock him up, they will try to spring him. Kill him and they will avenge his death. But discredit him in their eyes and they stop believing in him...then and only then does he become a single man who can be imprisoned or executed. You must show people the other side of the story for them to see the real truth.


Youth Team
I actually have some idea as to what will become of this overprivelaged DOG. Special forces of Nato will most probably train local mercenaries or assasins to quietly 'remove' this moron. It would be ludicrous to spend any further money to house him in a jail. To publicly torment him will only fuel a religious fervor. To acknowlegde killing him would only guarantee another martyr. He has to simply dissaper off the face of this earth, with no trace - much like the result of his actions - anonymous and absolute - Alternatively they could aid the cival war rivals of the Taliban to do the job.

On a lighter note - I wanted to say a BIG thanks to anyone who bothered to petition Visa regarding the offensive, Islamic propoganda site I had reported within previous posts [that have since been removed]. Whether it was due to their investigations, or the FBI, it has ceased to be - GOOD RIDDANCE.

zig :mad:


Youth Team
If you're a Palestinian I feel sorry for you... most of the world hates you now and would like to see you die. You have lost any sympathy anyone may have had for your struggle to have a state... you have shown through your repeated terrorist actions that you don't even deserve to have a state let a lone a place or a life on this planet. We will get rid of you and be happier for it.


You can't blame anyone at the moment, no-one knows who did it. It could be Osama bin Laden, Sadam Hussain, Palistine or even American Freedom Fighters like Timithy Mcveigh who blew up the Federal building in Oaklahoma. There is far to many possobilities at the moment.


Starting XI
Yes, it is a very interesting read. I have shared it with other people who found it very interesting.

He's crazy. It almost seems like he is being God................he questions why the US was there in Somolia.........I have a weird feeling I don't think he is fighting for what he says he is, Allah........


Reserve Team
Well, remember a week before last year's olympics? He threatened to hijack a plane, and crash it in the Olympic Stadium during the opening ceremony.


there are way too many guys who dont seem to understand the situation, pointing fingers at palestinians and a whole bunch of other crap.

just read the story thing off the link and bother to find out some actual facts about bin laden if ur gonna go accusing him or anyone for that matter.

palestinians dont neccessarily have a hell of a lot to do with him, just cos theyre islamic. no-one goes around accusing christians of being murderers etc. for what missionaries have done in the past in africa and other colonies, such as the West Indies and so on.

think about what u say.


Starting XI
I've never heard of any murdering missionaries.......All the missionaries I know and talk to are cool.......
Originally posted by Thomas McCarten:
<STRONG>Osama bin Laden.
It's not hard to forget his name is it.. it's quite easy as all I do is think of trash, rubbish, crap and litter.
That reminds me then bin Laden.
He's the most evil, greedy, bastard on Earth and us Europeans hate him.
He doesn't deserve to be here on Earth, and doesn't deserve to be alive after what he's done.
The sooner the worthless, disgusting lump of **** is hung, drawn and quartered the better.
Then finishd off by setting him alight and throwing him from an 80 storey building.
How would he like it................?</STRONG>

Almost every muslim i know have a 'bin' in their names, mind you.


You Palestinians should hate Osama bin Laden right now. You do realise of course that his actions mean there will NEVER be a Palestinian state and you will be homeless for ever. All because of one mans greed, hate,mental illness and bastardisation of what is essentially a good religion. Muslims of the world wake up and reject the devil worshippers in your midst who have brought so much misery on you. Your suffering is not because of the USA it is because you allow yourselves to be led by false prophets, agents of the devil. The suffering of the Iraqi people has been wrought not by the USA but by one man, Saddam Hussein, he invaded Kuwait not the USA. Many of you will now suffer terribly because of what you have ALLOWED these monsters to do in just the same way as the German people suffered for the wrongdoings of Adolf Hitler. Instead of criticising the West, get rid of these anti-islamic, un-muslim demons and join us in friendship or suffer the consequences. I would like to end this by quoting the "Declaration of Arbroath" as we stand on the edge of war, because make no mistake the drums of war have been beat and our vengeance will be terrible:
"it is in truth, not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself"

May Allah be merciful for we shall not be.
