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Fulham 22-23 home kit


  • preview-2022-07-31T19_12_29.279Z.png
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Club Supporter
Hey guys, just wanted to tell you that my kits will be included in EEP patch. Cheers!
its good to know that.. but be sure to keep your kits in a separate kit mod as well as EEP and IEM cannot be used together.. I used those mods alternatively to play english and german fourth tiers
its good to know that.. but be sure to keep your kits in a separate kit mod as well as EEP and IEM cannot be used together.. I used those mods alternatively to play english and german fourth tiers
Yeah of course. All kits will be shared in a separate mod too. I was thinking abour releasing an AIO version when I have completed championship, league one and league two
Very nice kits! Can you add New Napoli kits for 2022/23 season please? Nobody's making these and I can't find them anywhere on the internet (even if I know that it is a top team, but nobody has already made them)


Club Supporter
hatesince97 bro u stopped updating ! any problems?

p.s. when u resume pls ensure that you make official 22-23 kits for one league completely first.. I suggest start at the bottom. All EFL 2 kits for 22-23 and so on..