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Liga Promerica de Costa Rica

Futbol Club

Club Supporter
MOD de la Liga Promerica de Costa Rica




- Liga Promerica Clausura 2020 (Kits, squads, faces and ratings) + 4 second division teams
- Added the Costa Rican team
- Adboars of the Liga Promerica
- Royal uniform numbers
- Added real names to preseason championships
- Added the Club World Cup

Career mode:

- Liga Promerica functional with this mode
NOTE: To browse players from the Costa Rican youth team, select the country of Chile in the youth scout menu
Since it was replaced with the Chilean league, you can play Libertadores and Sudamericana


- The Chilean league was replaced by the Costa Rican league.
- You can play career mode with the Liga Promerica
- Canada's team was replaced by Costa Rica's
- The nationality id was exchanged between players from Chile and Costa Rica
- Faces of second division players (Carmelita, Guanacasteca and Uruguay) are not edited
- Ratings of second division players + Sporting FC, are not edited
- Closing Templates 2020

Errors (we hope to correct them for the next version):

- Name of the teams the narrators say are from the teams in the Chilean league, since these teams were replaced by those from Costa Rica
- Name of the Costa Rican team of the narrators say is Canada, since it was replaced by said national team
- Name of the players that the narrators say, sometimes it is incorrect, this because the players of the promerica league were overwritten over those of the Chilean league




- Liga Promerica Clausura 2020 (Kits, plantillas, caras y valoraciones) + 4 equipos de segunda división
- Se agregó la selección de Costa Rica
- Adboars de la Liga Promerica
- Dorsales de uniformes reales
- Se agregaron nombres reales a campeonatos de pretemporada
- Se agregó el Mundial de Clubes

Modo Carrera:

- Liga Promerica funcional con este modo
NOTA: Para ojear jugadores de la cantera costarricenses, selecionar el país de Chile en el menú de ojeador juvenil
Dado que se reemplazó con la liga chilena, se pueden jugar Libertadores y Sudamericana


- Se reemplazó la liga Chilena por la liga Costarricense.
- Se puede jugar modo carrera con la Liga Promerica
- Se reemplazó la selección de Canadá por la de Costa Rica
- Se intercambió el id de nacionalidad entre jugadores de Chile y de Costa Rica
- Caras de jugadores de segunda división ( Carmelita, Guanacasteca y Uruguay ) no están editadas
- Valoraciones de los jugadores de segunda división + Sporting FC, no están editadas
- Plantillas de Clausura 2020

Errores (se espera corregirlos para la siguiente versión) :

- Nombre de los equipos de dicen los narradores son de los equipos de la liga chilena, ya que se reemplazarón dichos equipos por los de Costa Rica
- Nombre de la selección de Costa Rica de dicen los narradores es Canadá , ya que se reemplazó por dicha selección nacional
- Nombre de los jugadores que dicen los narradores, a veces es incorrecto, esto debido a que se sobreescribieron los jugadores de la liga promerica sobre los de la liga chilena

NOTA: Si alguien tiene solución para estos errores por favor hacermelo saber en los comentarios de este post, GRACIAS.

Download link on the website / Link de descarga en la página web:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIFAEditionCR


  • LIGA_PRO.png
    984.4 KB · Views: 382


Club Supporter
Hello df10, thank you for sharing this excellent work. I have installed it in a clean version of Fifa 20. I have followed the mod's installation guide as indicated. I have noticed that when I navigate through the windows or screens of Fifa 20, to observe the teams or players of the Liga Promérica, at a certain moment the game freezes without being able to do more. I do not know why this problem is due. I'll tell you if you already had knowledge of it and if so, what could be the possible solution. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Futbol Club

Club Supporter
Hello df10, thank you for sharing this excellent work. I have installed it in a clean version of Fifa 20. I have followed the mod's installation guide as indicated. I have noticed that when I navigate through the windows or screens of Fifa 20, to observe the teams or players of the Liga Promérica, at a certain moment the game freezes without being able to do more. I do not know why this problem is due. I'll tell you if you already had knowledge of it and if so, what could be the possible solution. Thanks for any help you can give me.

I did not know that I had that error, I hope to find the solution for the next update


Club Supporter
Thanks df10, your patch looks excellent, waiting for a solution and it should be added that the kits it makes are first class, very detailed and of great quality. Thanks again.
Hi, congratulations on your excellent mod, ... I've tried adding the CWC to my mod, .. but I can't ...
I have edited compoj, standings, schedule, advancement, tasks, settings and compids located in data \ compdata \, also the competition table in DB, ... is it necessary to modify anything else?
Thanks a lot

Hola, enhorabuena por tu excelente mod,... he intentado añadir el CWC a mi mod,.. pero no lo consigo...
He editado los ficheros compoj, standings, schedule, advancement, tasks, settings y compids ubicados en data\compdata\, también la tabla competition de la DB (fifa_ng_db.DB) ,... ¿es necesario modificar algo más?
Muchas gracias