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HBZ Career Mode Mod (F19-14 - 18/19 Season)

v3 will be my last EVER mod, what features are most important to you? (Pick up to 2)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Really enjoying the mod, just one question..when playing in the custom stadiums my potato tends to lag alot more than normal, is there a way to get the other features of the patch without the extra stadiums? Thanks for all the work either way!
Hi, you have done an awesome job! Thank you for keeping the game alive.
just one issue i faced, that i cant change the facial appearance of my player career, while creating one. The face doesn't change.
Please look into this if you can, thanks!
Hi, you have done an awesome job! Thank you for keeping the game alive.
just one issue i faced, that i cant change the facial appearance of my player career, while creating one. The face doesn't change.
Please look into this if you can, thanks!
I have the same problem
Hi, you have done an awesome job! Thank you for keeping the game alive.
just one issue i faced, that i cant change the facial appearance of my player career, while creating one. The face doesn't change.
Please look into this if you can, thanks!
^^ This.
Its something i noticed in the last patch. But forgot to mention it.
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Do you have the same problem I have? In my careermod after first season most of the player's overall increased 4or more.for example ousman dembele at first it was 84 but after first season it is 90! It's weird that player increases 5 in just one season isn't it? Please help me.

v2 Full features can be found HERE

Status - 15/03/19

Hey all. Enjoyed a break away from modding this past week. I can confirm that the next update will be the last. When I first started this mod it was only for the sole intention of getting a mod that replicated FIFA 19 and the 18/19 structure. Now, that is done, I am done. However, the mod will not end with me. The guys at FIFA Infinity have shown an interest in doing FIP14, so keep an eye out for that. I'm sure it will be an even better patch than what I've released so far.

Known issues:
  • Crash with Angers SCO. I am yet to find the cause.
  • Some goalkeepers have missing number textures. I will fix these as and when I come across them.
  • Some player names are missing accents.
Planned updates:
  • 2018/19 Serie B kits (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
  • 2018/19 National team kits (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
Possible updates:
  • 2018/19 Colo-Colo kit (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
  • Replace kits / Remove badges from sleeves where possible
  • Minheads update 2
  • FINAL Boot pack
  • Player & Competition specific Boot pack (Players wear different boots in various competitions and in some cases home & away)
  • Player & Competition specific Glove pack (Players wear different gloves in various competitions
  • Legends & Icons pack (Legends will be 17-19 and available to purchase in Career mode)
  • Multi-season kits
  • Brasileirão 2019 season update (kauhan has offered to do this)
  • NEW Theme
Install (detailed installation instructions HERE):

  1. Backup your files. If you installed v1 these will need to be backed up too as v2 is not compatible with v1. It is also not compatible with any other mod such as Moddingway.
  2. Install a clean FIFA 14.
  3. Download all files.
  4. Unpack and 'Overwrite All'
  5. Open File Master & Regenerate (Run as Administrator)
Installation videos:
How to install this mod
How to edit with Creation Master
How to activate Season 2 transfers

How to activate Season 2 transfers (REQUIRED):

When you start a new career mode, before you do anything else, SAVE. Return to the main menu and Load your saved career. This feature can be a little bit buggy. If you do not save you can have a number of scenarios for example the player(s) may leave your club the next day or Career mode will freeze on day 2. So it's very important to do this.

How to edit in Creation Master without breaking Career mode:
  • Open in CM and make the changes you want to make.
  • Save.
  • Now delete the folder 'dlc' - FIFA 14\Game\dlc
  • Now locate the folder '_BACKUP' - FIFA 14\Game\_BACKUP
  • COPY the 'dlc' folder inside and paste it inside your 'Game' folder here - FIFA 14\Game
  • Open File Master & Regenerate (Run as Administrator)
You must install the below before you can install this update.
v2 DOWNLOAD 2 Stadium Pack (required) - MEGA / GOOGLE DRIVE
Optional downloads:
beta990 Gameplay difficulty mod - MEGA / GOOGLE DRIVE
FifaMan017* Scoreboards & Popups - LINK

Does anyone have this problem? On a original PC copy
"fifa14.exe (...) doesn't start because Core/Activation.dll is missing"

I've googled it, but EA shut down the server with the forum. Someone else had the same problem before but since EA is so cheap with their servers, I can't see the answer...

*edit* - It seems the problem is from Origin, it's behaving quite strangely. I used a restore point from windows and now, the game launches, to the FIFA 14 Logo and quits...
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Me gustaría que corrigiera algunos errores del mod AIO para FIFA 14 pc: / 1. Al iniciar un modo de carrera de jugador en cualquier posición y en la liga de Corea, Japón, Turquía o Arabia Saudita, el juego se cierra / 2. El Los trofeos de logotipos de las ligas de Corea, Japón, Turquía y Arabia Saudita en el modo de torneo tienen una imagen en blanco y dice sin definir como Europa A y B que las copas no aparecen pero no están definidas / 3. También en el torneo personalizado cuando estás a punto de Comience su torneo el juego / 4 está cerrado. Bueno, esta es una solicitud, por favor, ponga la máscara del juego predeterminada en el modo de jugador de carrera, ya que con esa piel oscura no se edita nada más que cabello y su color / 5. Fije algunos presupuestos de transferencias de algunos clubes a los de fifa 19 porque hay son clubes que tienen demasiados gustos como otros que no tienen tanto como su presupuesto de FIFA 19 y / 6.Por favor, también agrega la Copa América 2019 con sus grupos originales y también el euro 2020 y el libertario como otros torneos europeos.
Do you have the same problem I have? In my careermod after first season most of the player's overall increased 4or more.for example ousman dembele at first it was 84 but after first season it is 90! It's weird that player increases 5 in just one season isn't it? Please help me.

I'm not playing this mod at the moment, but planning to do it in the future. In the past patches, i think that players who had great potential or so, did this, their overall would increase for like 3-4 or even maybe 5 in one season. I think, but im not really sure. Are you talking about the latest patch?
Harry BullZak. 2.0, 2,4, 2.5, and 2.5.1 updates were all installed normally. Updates were normally applied to the filemaster. However, the Bundesliga's schedule for the 18-19th season is different from the actual one. Please confirm.
I'm not playing this mod at the moment, but planning to do it in the future. In the past patches, i think that players who had great potential or so, did this, their overall would increase for like 3-4 or even maybe 5 in one season. I think, but im not really sure. Are you talking about the latest patch?


Club Supporter
Hello here, mod looks very good, but my game crashes to dektop, when I go to practice arena before the match in kickoff mod. I have clean Fifa installation and done everything by tutorial. Can anybody help please, if also had same problem??