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HBZ Career Mode Mod (F19-14 - 18/19 Season)

v3 will be my last EVER mod, what features are most important to you? (Pick up to 2)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Also in both career modes any team I choose the game crashes... why??
There is absolutely no way I can answer that question without more information. Have you edited the database? Did you follow the installation instructions? Including reading the detail about editing in Creation Master?

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Status - 21/02/19 - v2.1 UPDATE
Will be released a little later today along with the video guides.

As this release makes changes to the db, it will corrupt any current Carer mode. If you do not want to lose your progress then DO NOT install this update.

Version 2.1 details & features

  • Mulit-language support for: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexican) & Swedish.
  • Player overall drop in Career mode fixed
  • Player skins updated - this fixes the transparent body issue.
  • All player traits restored (Note: Editing with CM14/15 will remove these traits)
  • BONUS - Updated Banners, Flags, Tournament dress and adboards. Including Champions League & Europa League.
Special thanks to Ovide for sending me a bunch of files. :D

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
thanks friends fot this mods
please add Legends/Icons in Career mode
It will depend what people vote for.
Dude, it's health. Can you add a Turkish language?
Sorry I've done enough languages.
Please don't add the legends to career mode. It makes the career mode unrealistic. It's ok to add them to db, but not the career mode.
It will depend what people vote for. I personally don't like gameplay mods, but people are voting for them. Honestly, I think they are more of a placebo than anything else, (or at least I'm yet to find one that makes the game better), but if people vote for it, I'll find the best one and add it. I can't make multiple mods depending on individuals likes.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter

v2 Full features can be found HERE

Status - 21/02/19 - v2.1 UPDATE

Now available including installation videos. This update fixes the issue with the missing languages. From today I will no longer give regular updates on status of further modifications as life changes, and I can't always deliver the mod on the dates I say I will release. After I upload the videos today, there will also be radio silence until next week, whilst I take a break from modding.

I'd like everyone to vote on the poll as I will concentrate on the winning area for the final release. I have to say, I'm surprised that Gameplay mods is so high up on the list as I have to be honest, the ones I've tested are more of a placebo than a real change. Would be great if someone could send me some links to versions for me to check out.

I've also demoted some planned updates to possible, because I'll be honest I only came back to finish the mod, because nobody was able to replicate the 2018/19 season. Now I've done that I'm kinda done with the project. So will update next week on where I go after this.

Version 2.1 details & features

  • Mulit-language support for: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexican) & Swedish.
  • Player overall drop in Career mode fixed
  • Player skins updated - this fixes the transparent body issue.
  • All player traits restored (Note: Editing with CM14/15 will remove these traits)
  • BONUS - Updated Banners, Flags, Tournament dress and adboards. Including Champions League & Europa League.
  • Tweaks to player values and wages
Planned updates:
  • ADDED - Liga MX update
  • 2018/19 Serie B kits (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
  • 2018/19 Colo-Colo kit (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
  • 2018/19 National team kits (replace FIFA 19 generic kits)
Possible updates:
  • Replace kits / Remove badges from sleeves where possible
  • Minheads update 2
  • FINAL Boot pack
  • Player & Competition specific Boot pack (Players wear different boots in various competitions and in some cases home & away)
  • Player & Competition specific Glove pack (Players wear different gloves in various competitions
  • Legends & Icons pack (Legends will be 17-19 and available to purchase in Career mode)
  • Multi-season kits
  • Brasileirão 2019 season update (kauhan has offered to do this)
  • NEW Theme
Install (detailed installation instructions HERE):

  1. Backup your files. If you installed v1 these will need to be backed up too as v2 is not compatible with v1. It is also not compatible with any other mod such as Moddingway.
  2. Install a clean FIFA 14.
  3. Download all files.
  4. Unpack and 'Overwrite All'
  5. Open File Master & Regenerate
Installation videos:
How to install this mod
How to edit with Creation Master
How to activate Season 2 transfers

How to activate Season 2 transfers:
When you start a new career mode, before you do anything else, simply save. Return to the main menu and Load your saved career.

How to edit in Creation Master without breaking Career mode:
  • Open in CM and make the changes you want to make.
  • Save.
  • Now delete the folder 'dlc' - FIFA 14\Game\dlc
  • Now locate the folder '_BACKUP' - FIFA 14\Game\_BACKUP
  • COPY the 'dlc' folder inside and paste it inside your 'Game' folder here - FIFA 14\Game
  • Regenerate
You must install the below before you can install this update.
v2 DOWNLOAD 2 Stadium Pack (required) - MEGA / GOOGLE DRIVE
Optional downloads:
beta990 Gameplay difficulty mod - MEGA / GOOGLE DRIVE
Status - 21/02/19 - v2.1 UPDATE
Will be released a little later today along with the video guides.

As this release makes changes to the db, it will corrupt any current Carer mode. If you do not want to lose your progress then DO NOT install this update.

Version 2.1 details & features

  • Mulit-language support for: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexican) & Swedish.
  • Player overall drop in Career mode fixed
  • Player skins updated - this fixes the transparent body issue.
  • All player traits restored (Note: Editing with CM14/15 will remove these traits)
  • BONUS - Updated Banners, Flags, Tournament dress and adboards. Including Champions League & Europa League.
Special thanks to Ovide for sending me a bunch of files. :D

Well done, @HarryBullZak. The mod is simply stunning.
Thank you for everything, it's like a brand new game for my potato laptop xD