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HBZ Career Mode Mod (F19-14 - 18/19 Season)

v3 will be my last EVER mod, what features are most important to you? (Pick up to 2)

  • Total voters
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By default it will be locked, but YES I will explain how to unlock it.
I will however not fix any issues with anyone who edits the database. This is why I locked it.[/QUOTE]

That is great. Then I can make changes there for myself.
Final version works only with non-pirated FIFA 14? I don't have original FIFA 14. And I don't have any idea where I can buy it.
That is great. Then I can make changes there for myself.
Final version works only with non-pirated FIFA 14? I don't have original FIFA 14. And I don't have any idea where I can buy it.
I bought an original 2 years ago from a key seller for 40 liras which is about 15 dollars i guess. But them aholes discontinued the support for 14 last september. You can't access online content nor you can earn coins and such to use them to unlock anything like new balls, moves etc. bummer really.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
That is great. Then I can make changes there for myself.
Final version works only with non-pirated FIFA 14? I don't have original FIFA 14. And I don't have any idea where I can buy it.
I don't know if it will work or not, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.
I just have one question. Can I play with English commentaries and Portuguese game text? Or can there be glitches?
I haven't updated the languages yet, but you can try it and let me know.
I had two questions.
1) I can't download files. Can you upload to another location?
2) Will it be mandatory to download the Beta version for the final version that will be released on Friday?

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
I had two questions.
1) I can't download files. Can you upload to another location?
2) Will it be mandatory to download the Beta version for the final version that will be released on Friday?
I'll see what I can do about putting it somewhere else.
The release on Friday is a completely separate release so this version will not be required.
English League One also passed the test:)

I have a feeling none of them are gonna crash :D But will test a few more tomorrow, starting with China and Australia who were problematic in the earlier version.
[QUOTE = "HarryBullZak, post: 6528332, membro: 203483"] Non ho proprio il tempo adesso. Verranno alcuni screenshot.

Questo non è un Moddingway Mod. Non ha nulla a che fare con Moddingway. [/ QUOTE]
Quindi, come posso assegnare le scarpe ai giocatori?
I don't know if it will work or not, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.

I haven't updated the languages yet, but you can try it and let me know.

It should be fine, I think... The Portuguese commentary by default is missing some stuff like injuries and some other things, and so I'm ok with the UK commentary. Since we use metric units and the English game text comes with Imperial units, I would really like to stick to it xD (I think you can only switch the currency - Pounds to Euros and so on)

I'm downloading and i'll test it tomorrow, I'll let you know later :D

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
English League One also passed the test:)

I have a feeling none of them are gonna crash :D But will test a few more tomorrow, starting with China and Australia who were problematic in the earlier version.
Yeah, there is a problem with the Argentinian league, but it's still not crashing. The season is apparently ending at weird times after the third season. The game has so far been played through for the entire 15 year career mode with a few random crashes. So that's very good news. :)
so how do I assign the shoes to the players?
The boots will be assigned automatically when the mod is released on Friday.
It should be fine, I think... The Portuguese commentary by default is missing some stuff like injuries and some other things, and so I'm ok with the UK commentary. Since we use metric units and the English game text comes with Imperial units, I would really like to stick to it xD (I think you can only switch the currency - Pounds to Euros and so on)

I'm downloading and i'll test it tomorrow, I'll let you know later :D