Originally posted by Honest Man
I play in goal for a Junior team called Ayr Baptists. I'm first choice keeper because the other one is stupid and makes stupid mistakes.
The best game I've ever had was a 9-0 victory over some team from Auchinleck a month ago. I saved two lobs, three shots and a rebound.
My weakness is that I'm too commited and I'm not scared of the ball because last thursday I got hit in the forehead by a boot because they didn't tie it properly. The goal still stood.
To be honest, i don't see that as weakness. I am just like you...not afraid of the ball, and not afraid to take a head on collision. I have been hit point blank in the stomach by a shot in an indoor match, and still got across to stop the rebound, i have been hit point blank in the face by an Aussie Rules ball in a match for the New York Magpies, and there are countless colisions in which i have been a part (me and a striker, me and the post, me and the crossbar*), including being knocked unconsious in PRACTICE for diving in and getting kicked in the top of the head (i managed to fall on the ball though, i was told, so there was no rebound!).
I also remember (not too sure) being knocked out just before half time in a match when i was lobbed and leaped up to make the save, missed the ball, and ended up doing a half-reverse flip and landed on the top of my head. I couoldve sworn i was down for like a minute, but when i got up, no one even asked if i was alright, so i guess i wasn't down as long as i thought
Long story short though, don't EVER let someone tell you that commitment is a bad thing, especailly for keepers. Make a fast decision, and STICK WITH IT. And never be afraid of the ball, the post, the crossbar, a boot, nothing. Pain is only temporary after all, respect is forever.
*it was only my arm, but still...